
" that really you?"

"Does the Raven sing?"

*Oooof...It is you. It is you. It is you."

"Yes.....yes it is; and if you wouldn't mind; I still want their to be me when you get done."


We got in!!!!!!!!!!"

"I heard, and saw."

"Where? We didn't see you? We looked over the whole inside and saw you nowhere."

"You didn't see her hat?"

"You mean...Elwins hat?

And how could you?"

"You went invisible, didn't you?"

"I promise I have not cheated ever once during the games."

"We trust you. Must be hard trying to keep something away from others."

"That's why she has us."


".....Hey, Scarlett."


"Nice cheerleading song."

"Why thank you? Did you like the way it sang off my tongue?"

"I think that was the only thing that saved it, Scarlett."


"If it weren't for your voice, people would have seen it as a diss."

"That wasn't my intent. Not at all."

"It's all good. What matters...….is you made it."

"No. What matters...…is WE....made it. All of us."

"Ruby, wait."

"Jacklyn, we'll be fine. While we wait, the Girls and I are going to go get some shopping duu...…..You're not Jacklyn."

"While you're at it, could you pick up some baggy clothes?"

"Lucy, I...…..Why aren't you scared of us?"

"Scared? Why would I be scared? I am more scared of losing a friend."

"...What do you need me to do?"

"LUCY, you coming?"

"Wish us luck."

"I know you don't need it. As Scarlett said, 'You'll crush them.'"

"Only if you buy a shovel to help us dig."

"Consider it done."

".....What was that all about?"

"Just thanking her."

"She was thanking me."


"Come on, you two. I wanna shop, and we're not doing it. This body won't take care of itself, you know."

"Then we must take care of it."

"Jacklyn, what kind of Shops are open this...…she's gone."

"And you Girls need to be gone too. It's closing time."

"Sorry, Janitor. We're going."

"Wait, let's ask him.


Excuse me, but do you know where we could find some clothes this late?"

"Forgot your Suitcases?"

"We were rushed."

"Malls still open."

"There wouldn't happen to be a 'Stacys' in that Mall, by chance?"

"Why yes? What prompted you to ask?"

"Shopped there before. Thanks, Sir."

"You're welcome.

Oh, Ladies?"


"Do you need protection or anything? Fans of the….."

"Sir, not to be rude; but we are the Protection."

"...Ruby, why did you ask if they had a Stacys?"

"Elwin, you said nothing in...…..nothing out."

"That's correct."

"Then why are we starting to let Outsiders get beyond Rosas Palace? there something I should be made aware of? If we can't communicate, then why are they?"


"You seeked help from the Outside, didn't you? Elwin, this is exactly what we were fighting to protect. You saw what happened to the News Reporters."


As you know, Rosas is the farthest outreach Kingdom this side of the Lake."

"Go on."

"And she has been bringing families and children there to slowly educate them in our a safe way."

"Kids...…..are not Adults."

"Well, after the War; we needed help rebuilding. It would have taken forever on our own...….so..."


"We broke safety protocol and asked a few Companies to help us out.


There. Are you happy, Sister?"



"........How many Companies did you reach out to?"


Numbers in and of itself don't put a value on anything. It's what they're used for that matters."


So Rainbow died for nothing."

"If it makes you feel any better, she did send us the Dragons."

" And that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Please don't hit me. Please don't hit me. Please don't hit me.

Dropfarra wasn't helping us, so we helped ourselves. Please....I beg of you."

".......I hope it was worth it."


"Cause if not."


"I…WILL….sit…....and this time..... it will be permanent."

"Yes, Ruby."

"Girls, I'd hate to break up whatever you're fighting over, but although we are here to shop for clothes…. I'd still appreciate it if you girls walked in with some on."