
"Scarlett, was I wrong standing up for myself and doing what I thought was right?"

"She wasn't there."

"Exactly. Like…..I wish I could see what she would have done."


"What would you have done?"


"You even listening to me?"



"Aaaaaghhh. Who said that?"

"Did you hear anything I said at all?"


Was it important? I'm sorry."

"It's ok.

Scarlett, now the key is to blend in with our uniform. Wear something light, so that it reflects the sun, but covers up enough so that...…"


"Can I have your autograph?"

"Scarlett, what are you doing?"

"This life-size model of the perfect body looks so fake. I mean....that doesn't even look half like a sparkling Mermaid."

"Scarlett, wait. You can't just jump in the....."


"Aaaaaaaghhh....Now this is more like it. Who needs clothes when you got a tail? Right Fishies.....back me up."

"You come out of there right now before…"


"Cool tail. Can you sign mine?"

"That's a fake."

"Uhhhh…..well yes. I got it from.....please?

I got a pen."

"Kid, I don't know what a pen is. Would you like a Kiss instead?"

"Can I?"

"Benjamim, where are you? I'm ready for our da….


"Are...are...you cheated on me with a Mermaid?"

"Babe, I can explain."

"Actor, please put on a Bra. Seaweed is not gonna work, and that stuff is too fake to stick."

"Your lips aren't. I don't discriminate."

"Oh boy."

"To show you he is not cheating on me and the Kiss was just of my doing, let me show you."


'ATTENTION ALL SHOPPERS. ATTENTION ALL SHOPPERS. I know you are all tired and weary, but do you want to know who never sleeps? A Mermaid. So, if you need a pick me up and a breathe of fresh air, then come on down to 'Closure' and you will get…..some Exposure.'"

"Scarlett, get out of there."

"What? Are you jealous?"

"Let me have my five dollars back."

"Hey, wait...where are you going? This Booth isn't free you know."


"But I know who is."

"Mermaid, what be thy name?"

"Prince Charming, my name is Scarlett."

"Aaaaah. Vivacious Red.


"Hey, take my picture. I want you to catch me right next to her."

"Oh.......I will catch you alright."


"Scarlett, how young are you willing to go?"

"I can swim to the bottom of this tank."

"Come on. We're leaving."

"Bye Scarlett!!!!!!!!! I love you."

"Bye little Tyke."




"These pictures will pair nicely with new sponsors. You don't mind appearing in the papers do you?"

"Ummmmm...…She would not. Thank yo….."

"Of course I would. I don't know what that is either, but as long as it's not going to end up in trash in my home."

"Where do you live?"

"And why do we never see you?"

"Actually, I..."

"Think it's time to go. Thanks for all the pictures and lots of love.


Really. We cherish it all."

"Hey...…Scarlett, if you're free; I'd love to feature you in our magazine and let you try on all the clothes. You can even keep them at the end. Only the top brands."

"What about my friend?"

"In light of rescuing this beautiful damstress, I would like to award you by paying for all the bags that are in your hand."

"But she's not in distre…."

"Ma'am, can I help you get out?"

"Ooo…A nice firm grip you got, Sir. I know I am not going anywhere as long as you are here."

"Maybe I should've gone with Ruby."