
"........Early start, Miss Jacklyn"

"You know what they say. So, I had to take the opportunity."

"...Need some help over there?"

"I'm fine."


The Bench Presses are a two person handle. How much can you lift?"

"Apparenly not enough."

"I see we are not talking about the Weights, cause clearly we are on different sets."

"...........It's my friends."

"Take it they're not early-risers?"

"I don't even know what they are. Ever since I brought them here they have been stealing my spotlight."

"And you want them to change?"




Don't take their side."

"Here, let me pick that up for you. And.....


Tell me.....what's really going on? Who are you to force change on those you love.? I know you all didn't start out this way."

"And how's a stranger supposed to help me?"

"Sometimes talking to a stranger is the best way. Clear, you wanted to get away from them."

"I did not. I......…

Why are you even giving me advice? I'm usually the one who gives it."

"You can't give it unless you don't receive it."

"You saying I am in the wrong, cause I hope that is not what you're saying. I was the one that invited them in the first place."

"Then you should know how they are. Did you want to change them back then?"

"Why would I? They were perfect."

"And now?"

"......Please don't say I am the bad girl."

"You're not the bad girl. Just….."

"The mean one."


"What the?"

"GET DOWN!!!!"





"You're hurt. Let me help you."

"You idiot. What part of don't shoot anybody did you not understand? Now the Cops will be on the way.

What do we do?"


"EVRRYBODY.....STAY WHERE YOU ARE. We're just taking a few things and leaving."

"Stop this at once or else I'll…."




"Who are….."



"Their will be no stealing on our watch, or else our Bears will steal your heart.

Elwin, attack. Scarlett, check on the others."

"Girls, what are you doing here?"

"If you would have waited for us, then this might not have happened. We were right behind you."

"Where do you boys think you're going? Drop the weights, or I drop your face."

"Put us down. Put us down. I can't feel my legs."


"Girls, those are called Police Sirens. So, you should make yourselves scarce. We can clean up here."


"Ruby, come on. They're getting closer."

"Only one person can fit on your back. Take her, she's been shot. You can heal her, but unless you know what a bullet is, then that has to be pulled out."

"Got it."



"Save your breath, and keep your hand on your chest."

".......If these are your friends, consider yourself blessed."

"......I already am."