
"Stuffed Pancakes!!!!!!!!"

"Steak Dinner. Extra Fatty."

"A Bear BLT."

"A Burger."

"Street Taco, please.



"Ok...…..ok...…and...…..Got it.


They'll be ready shortly. Can I take your Menu's?"

"Here you go."


"Infeciton must not have spread this far. Don't worry."

"I guess even they know not to cross the lines, but what…."

"Fatty Steak?"

"I burn through calories faster than I walk."

"Now that's a good line."

"That's why I have to either eat more, or eat stuff that sticks and takes forever to break down."

"No need for explanations."

"So, I must thank you very; but I am afraid the answer is no. No, I am not ready."

"I understand completely, and am not in the bit fazed by your decision."

"So you knew?"

"I had my suspicions. A girl who bravely jumps in wherever she wants, whenever she wants; is not a girl to be tied down by any loose knot."

"But if the right one proposes then I'll glady say yes."

"Scarlett, this is not a dream."

"Then why am I everybodies fantasy, and not you?"

"Beauty isn't everything. Maybe Natysh can teach you that."

"If I knew how to get to Dropfarra, then I would.



Hey, you did that on purpose; throwing dirt on me."

"Did I?

I think it actually looks good on you. What do you think, Elwin?"





"You know what? I think you're kinda right. It matches your…..


...….You can't splash me Scarlett, or did you forget that too?"

"I know, but I can her."

"You tyring to soak me?"

"If I was trying, then you'd be in the Pool with me...…As my Pillow."




THAT'S IT!!!!!!!

Ummmm...…I mean...….that's it."

"What's it?"


"Yes, those are names. Very good."

"No. They are more than just names. They are who you are.

Princess Ruby!!!!"

"How do you know who we are?"

"Queen Elwin!!!"

"Can I help you?"

"Princess Rain...…"

"Nope. I'm the only one.....NOT SCARED.....to show who they are."

"By why all this acting of childhood behavior?"

"Childhood behavior?"

"I don't think we..."


We're not playing. But, everybody we meet here; I promise you we will never ever meet nor see again."

"So that makes it okay?"

"Sometimes you just need to let it out."

"You have a new School, right? Ummmm...bachaaa....bachaaa...…ummmm....One Jewel!!!!"

"One Pearl."

"You were close. I'll give you E for effort."

"Scarlett, it's 'A' for effort."

"But Effort doesn't begin with an 'A'.....Does it?"

"How? We don't even broadcast outside? Unless 6N2 di...…"

"As long as you're on this Planet, then you need to register.

Also, Rosa has been keeping tabs."

"That slithery snake. She did say she'd do anything to gain favouritism outside, but…"


Nobody goes past Rosas Palace. Not tourists...no one.

She just informs us of whatever the Rest are up to so that we might one day collide....in a good way."

"Then I hope all she has talked about us also fits true."

"I'd say...…..but something still bugs."

"Your Food awaits."

"Ooooo...….It's piping hot. Hot. Hot….Ouch.....That burns."

"Look at the steam on those Babies."


...…So, Elwin. Why aren't you on top like you ought?"

"Ever since Rubys family fell, Dropfarra took over. She says we are all too weak."

"Actually, they have always been in charge. We were just the face."

"And why haven't you done anything different."

"Dropfarra's...….not the kind of face you wanna punch."



"From Rosa's lips she said it was the most beautiful and funnest place in all the Kingdoms."

"You mean, Kingdom."

"You...you merged? Congratulations."

"Thank you. It took forever."

"Ruby couldn't even do it in her lifetime."

"Life.....time? You were brought back to finish?"

"Only for Eight years."

"What happens after?"

"Is this why you have been making us push? Have us learn to be able to grow without your leadership?"

"Natysh is your leadership, not me."

"Thanks to her golden finger."

"Then cut it off."

"I thought you believed every part of the body is useful, Sir?"

"Plus, no offense but we can't exactly just cut it off."

"Why not? You have more than a big enough army now."