
"Mr. President, you need to understand that I am the only thing standing between you and a four foot grave."

"Depends on whose friends get there first."

"On behalf of all the Kingdoms, I am their voice so every decision from here on out will be closely calculated and anaylsed with their best intentions in mind."

"What about the Fourteen outside?"

"Those are in your control. Rosa has been trying her hardest to join them, but the Pull of Magic keeps her behind. They mean nothing to us."

"What about Analise? You know nothing about her."

"......I may not know anything, but I do know my Girls; and if they are friends with her.....then so am I."

"Very well.

Bring her out."

"......Analise!!!!!!!! Up here."


Who are you?"

"Are you ok?"




"Natysh, please.....hurry up.

I need water.



"Scarlett, hold on."

"Ruby, no."





"Dragons, now. Protect them all."



"This is for you, Scarlett."




"Scarlett, hang on.

Position her over the swimming pool and dunk her in. Hurry."

"What about our….."

"You clearly don't know what Family is."

"Enlighten me."

"Natysh, grab my hand."


"Special Forces, stop. There are too many innocents."

"Special Forces."

"Natysh, wait. We're safe. Let's go home."

"More like Special Courses...….for my Dragons.





"Please. Don't eat me. Don't eat me. Don't…."



"Not so tough now when you stare down the nostrils of a Dragon?

You see, Mr. President, nothing can save your worthless life except me. For a Family to survive, you need to not only trust yourselves, and others; but also be willing to die for each other...as they would for you.

So, if you want your bridge, your Pegasus' and our resources, then learn to earn it because we don't hand out free samples."

"I'll arrest you for Murder."

"And I'll arrest you for kidnapping, and forcing your way on us."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes........and I don't care.

Dragons, we're out of here."


"Mr. President?"

"...Tage them."



"Oops, forgot one."



"You've shown your true colours, you ungrateful cash Grab. Please don't make me show mine."