
"Should we go back?"


"Should we?"



"If it was as bad as Lolli said, then the Dragons would have picked us up when Natysh came.

They didn't."


"Girls, should I...."

"Eric, just keep flying.

Whatever is happening down there...…I hope they can handle."

"You mean, you know they can handle?"

"That's what I said. 'I hope they can handle'."

"This is going to be a long flight."

"No time for rest. Tomorrow is game day."

"Jacklyn, I think that perfectly means 'please...….rest.'"





"Well, you girls can rest but the plan was supposed to be to come to town and have at least two to three days of practicing, resting, and enjoyment 'BEFORE' the game."

"Hey, don't look at us."

"I'm not. I'm looking past."

"Why? What's back there? Another Dragon?"






"Eric, what are you thinking?"

"You said Dragon, so I was doing basic manuevers."

"Maybe warn us next time. There is no Dragon."

"Then what's that?"



"Please don't say he's following us."


"He just never quits does he?"

"Who? I don't see anyone back there but clouds."

"Maybe it was just a Mirage. Nothing to worry about, Jacklyn."

".....Fly a little higher, and farther back. They almost saw you."

"Tell me again why are we giving chase?"

"You just fly the Plane. Let me worry about why I am giving chase."

"So, you don't even know?"

" 'If you all have been watching the news this morning, then let me repeat the shocking truth. The Vice President has just been sworn in as people keep searching for the unexpected disappearance of our reigning President. Wherever he may be.' "

"Well that's not good."

"Jacklyn, just stay calm."

"No. You don't understand. These people need their Leader."

"You heard them. They have a Vice. Which...…I think is like an Advisor. Right?"

"But no two are the same. Where do you think he could be?"

"Hey, eyes on the road…or…sky."

"Eric is flying. Just let me see. It feels like someone is in my air."

"Just the birds, Jacklyn. Just the birds."

"Oh wait, I see something. Is that?"


"Eric, what are you doing? Stop this? Their is no Dragon, and no need to dive."

"The Runway, Ma'am. We are here."


"Scarlett, he's gone. Just flew overhead. Probably on his way back home, and we'll never see him again."

"Then why am I the one with the gut feeling that that's not true, instead of you?"