
*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"You're telling me you have never had cotton candy before?"

"Should I have?"

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"All it is is straight sugar. More Dropfarras taste then?"

"I don't linger. My animals were my home. I just help and leave."

"That's sad."

"Yeah, that's sad, Ruby. You know, we've been discussing you should get out more."

"True, but I can't leave without you all."

"Where are we going?"

"The Carnival. Every village only shows one side of history, and I am sure we would get kicked out if we tried to explain our way."

"I don't need a reason why we should go. I just want to know that we're going. But...…"

"Practice after a game?"

"No. Gym practice."

"On your Birthday?" Girl, give those legs a rest."

"What even separates your parks from ours?"

"If I would have to guess, I'd say Sugar, Fried Food, and a lot of Mechanical Failures that nobody seems to know how or bother to fix."

"That's what we call lazy. In my Kingdom, we have a traveling circus."

"Where Magic fixes everything."

"Does Magic fix stupidity?"


"I know. While Ruby and I investigate our Pitches, I think this is the best time for you girls to show that under all your law-breaking."

"Hey. Don't hurt the bear's feelings."

"...You still do it for a good reason."

"What are we waiting for then? Let's hop to it."

"You said it."

"Wai…..wai…..wait. Ruby, I didn't mean…."




"Aww, I think you look kinda cute as a bunny."

"Wait. I got something.

.....There we go. Now, that birthday hat fits snug on you like it was meant."

"Nobody will ever be able to mistake you in that."

"That's funny, because I look….."

"Okay. Final touches. No more talking."



"Now you look like a real bunny."

'Ruby, don't you think you are going a little overboard?"

"You want to get zapped to?"

"Oooo, that looks like a very touchy finger, and I am alelrgic to those sadly. Better for writing than pulling, in my opinion."

"Ummmmm, Rain. Are those what we are riding on?"

"Don't worry. These toys have survived storms."

"Good. Cause I am about to make my own storm."

"By all means. Eat until your heart's content."

"With pleas….."



What gives?"

"....A group pass for all of my friends, please?"

"You got it. Take five tickets per person."


"Thank you.

They're for a raffle. Write the last four digits of each of your tickets onto a piece of paper, fold them, and then drop them into the Fish bowl."

"What's the top prize?"




"I don't know, but we can win some of our own prizes while we wait. What do you say?"