
"How high do you think we are?"

"I wouldn't consider ourselves high, but from what I just saw; I would consider Scarlett low."

"Is it hard getting you all together?"

".........Here's our tickets."

"And there's your seats. Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times."

"How could we not?"


"These metal bars around us will make sure of it."

"Enjoy the ride."

"We will."


"Ummm, I don't think you want to go all the way to…."


"I wouldn't touch that lever if I were you. It's a little hot.

Just got to get rid of the slow safety brakes, and.....we...are.....off."



"Rain, we are all different. Only just recently we've been hanging out as one. Hard to figure out what everybody likes and what they don't."

"You all like Fairies because they give you magic, and I just so happen to see one.


"That's not a Fairy. They are a lot smaller than that. Unless...…..the Growth ponds in the woods, the Fairies mistook as their bath and not the trees; again."

"Ruby, it's called a costume...…and...our sign. That means the Castle has to be close around....."



"That's not a Jinx. That's a Castle. Unless you call them different."


Eat your Cotton Candy."

"Now, I know what that is, and I can confidently say it is delicious.

Can I have yours?"

"Keep your hands to yourself, Grabby. We're making our decent, so hold on."

"Look, it's Sage. He's waiting for us."

"Do you think the others are waiting?"

"Here's the thing about us."

"Scarlett, I need air, and this tail only provides so much. You think it's safe to surface? I see a light."

"We always show up when needed."

"You know what to do."




"I will never get over the fact how beautiful Mermaids are."

"Analise is not a Mermaid.


Scarlett, OVER HERE. OVER HERE!!!!!!!!"


"...I see it."

"You know what to do."

"Everyone, hold on to something. Lift your hands and smile with courage.

Elwin, burn the tracks.


AND TAKE TO THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"There's the girls.

You don't see that everyday."

"And there's Scarlett. Come on. They're swimming to the Castle. We can still beat them."


"I can see yet again that you Girls care nothing for hiding."

"Shut up, Sage and pick up your feet."

"You act as if all of this is just a game."

"Oh shoot. Looked a lot closer from up high. Right or left?"


"Straight ahead. Follow that 'Coaster.'"

"Jacklyn, you sure you know how to fly this thing?"

"No. Now, shh before the others hear that I don't have a license."

"To answer your question, we don't think this is a game and we truly do respect all of you. In fact, the lack of your confrontations at us helps us spread our wings easier."

"To be honest, I thought we would swarm you like Nats."

"That's your problem. You try to play the role of everybody, and assume for everyone; without actually seeing if something would have worked. We all have ideas, no matter how stupid; but only less than half are confident enough to show them. Don't be the minority."


"What took you so long?"

"Everybody, brace from impact. We're going down. WATCH OUT, LITTLE CHILLINS!!!!!!!!!"

".....Someone doesn't know how a true MK works."



"Is everyone ok? No one hurt?"

"Are we first?"