"So, you think they will show?"

"You menus, girls. How long do you want us to wait? If another group comes in, we will have to ask you to move. You understand."

"Let's give it ten minutes. Please?"

"I'll give you fifteen because you girls seem nice."


Can we start off with some Pops, and maybe.....what do you have for Appetizers?"


"I hope you girls are awake enough, cause this is a long list.'

"We're not going anywhere."


"Your coach hits hard, Jacklyn."

"He just wants us to hit back harder.


You get used to it."

"I can see why you look at this as a Challenge, and not a practice. You can use all your skills without showing off."

"And…how to use them all quickly. By the time you get old enough, you could be dunking with the big boys."

"Who's to say I'm not already."

"Uhhh...….was that a question?"

"We have an hour and thirty minutes left, until Practice is over for the day. You sure you have nowhere else to be?"


"And your practice is not boring in the slightest."

"I didn't ask if it was....wait...…unless you thought I asked and wanted to defend yourself."


"I knew it. The only reason you are here is for me. You see that group standing in the corner?"


"But we thought Friends could be better. That's what we do. Help each through, and support through thick and thin. We don't have to like what the other does…"


"But we do have to do our best to understand."

"And offer a shoulder to cry on."


"...Scarlett, you might want to hold that shoulder for someone else. Wish me luck."

"Break their legs...I mean...your legs. I mean...."

"I know what you mean."

"Thanks. Because I don't."

".....What do you mean, Wolfgirl? It's perfect. That way Sage gets what he wants, the Kingdoms get what they want, and we..."

"Are the ones stuck holding the pillar."

"No. No. That's not quite what I am getting at."

"Can you guarantee that they won't use these gains for their own? The Bridge is a great idea, but they could just swoop in undetected from the sky."

"That's not going to happen."

"And the Flowers great, but...….actually...…I can't say anything bad about them now that I think about it. They seem genuine and nice. Helping the helpless."

"So, you know your decision?"


"I know my decision. That...these chips are amazing. Like seriously, how do they make these chips taste so good?"

"Avocado and lime."

"Ooooooo...…can I have yours?"

"Help yourself."

"I hope the Kingdoms have just as much of an appetite as I."

"That's if they show up. Downed four bowls, and we're still waiting."

"Patience, Ruby. Patience.

Want a Chip?"

"How did we ever get to this point?"


"Oooooo, I think you're about to have your answer."

"Can I help you all?"

"We're with the Party."

"Back there."

"Game faces, Wolfgirl. Here they come."

"I'm ready."

"Wipe your lips. You eat like a dog."

"Because I am a dog."

"Shhh....they're here."

"....Are these seats taken?"