For want of a Nail

"That should be the last we hear from them for a long while. We're not greedy. I'd say we are reasonable. We don't seek power, just want to feel. Is that too…..


What the?"


"What's it say? What's it say?"

"Well, if you'd shut up, I could see. Oh. It's an old Nursery Rhyme. Listen to this.

'For want of a Nail, the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

For want of a horse, the rider was lost.

For want of a Battle, the Kingdom was lost

And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.'

Stupidest message I ever heard. What does it even mean? What are the girls even trying to tell us? Just say it in black and white, and not riddles for Cheeseburges sauce.

Are the Girls even still in town?"

"You told them to leave, so they left."

"I didn't….."

"Cameras show they planted the note on the front door, hopped on their Bears and...….left."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"No pushing, no force, no bribery….nothing? Just tols us their terms, listened to ours; and surprisingly didn't break any laws."

"Scared because we are the superiority and would have locked them up?"

"I don't know much, but I know they are not scared of anything."

"Should we kick them out?"

"For what? Wanting to help us?"

"Ruby, I feel like we are retreating from a losing battle. You heard him. If there is no reason to leave, then there's no reason to leave...…..and we're not going to make one."

"No need to hammer it in, Wolfgirl. Not every single victory is a closed deal."

"......There is no need to be a sore loser either. You lost, fair and square."

"It was just a scrimmage, Jane."


Even a Scrimmage needs to be treated as more, Jacklyn."

"I was just having fun."

"Did I hear the word 'Fun'?"


"Jacklyn, we are here to win, not to have fun."


"You can do that on your own time. Here on the Court, you are here for one purpose and one purpose only.

…..To make me better."

"I thought it was to make 'Us' better."

"I'll see you all tomorrow for gameday. Hope you are all dressed, rested, and at your best.

Have a good day."

"........Did someone put a snake in his coffe this morning?"


"I know he's your Coach and all, but your last was all about play. This one is all about winning. Do you need me to get Mrs. Heartchild to teach him a lesson. Grab him by the ear and parade him to his mother for a little 'sitdown.'"

"I don't think he'd approve."

"What do I always say."

"It's not about you. It's about us. You may be the main character in your own story, but you are also the sidecharacter in someone elses."

".....Jacklyn, I don't think that's what she says."



"Scarlett, you can let go. I am ok."

"Where have you been?"

"Following the Beasts, and there is where I got acquainted with out fourteen Kingdoms. Or as I should say; Fourteen spiked hole concrete seats."

"If you're trying to say 'cold heart' just say it. What demands did they want to return?"

"They wanted a Flower."


"Actually, enough flowers to power a generator."


"They want to feel Needed, but don't care for power. Just want a position in the Kingdom and didn't feel they were heard; but also didn't want to BE heard."

"We can work with that."

"And last but not least.....although they don't crave power; they want the one in step down. Oh, and also give up her secret."

"Only one or the other. Which is it?"

"They want Natysh to step down."

"So, let me get this straight. They don't want power; don't respect the one in power, want to be needed; but don't want to be overbearing."

"Lastly, they felt the best way was to resort to passing laws limiting others' power. Did I say that right?"

"Pretty much sums it up nicely. Nice one Jacklyn."

"So, what do we do?"

"Until they are needed, then nothing."

"But they are needed. The School has to grow. It…."

"Has to be of their own idea and want. Not ours."


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to…."

"We know. Lift some weights and make it great."

"Have you never heard of cooldown? No. I have to go try on outfits for one of my sponsors. I would ask if you want to come, but.....your dresses don't exactly scream pick me. Come on, Scarlett."