Ladybug, Ladybug

"Can I take any of your orders?"

"May we have a couple footlong Meatball Marinaras subs on an Italian herbs and cheese for the guys, please?"

"Absolutely. Just let me write that down, and...…..done.


"I'll have a Steak N Cheese."


"Tosses Salad."

".........French Onion."

"Ooooo, good choice mixing it up. I'll have those out right away. Anything else?"

"I think...…we're good. Thanks."

"May I take your menus?"

"Here you go."

"So, as I was saying; you don't owe us anything. After.....'The Rainbow'....most all Leaders will ban with Natysh and keep intruders out."

"Ruby, you are the biggest protector on that side of the Isle. Why open your heart now?"

"Do I have to have a reason?"



"If not, then what's the use of following you?"

".............I don't want my friend's death to be in vain."

"You're a killer. Using your enemies sister against her."

"Her sister, my friend. I can't talk to the dead, nor explain why she did what she did; but she was next in line to take the Golden Finger. She's not just some other Royal wanting humans to take over. She knew the risk, had terrible execution, but whatever her reasons; I can't let them die with her."

"Her seeds scattered….."


"And you want them to grow?"

"Exactly. There is my reason. I am communing on her behalf. She started, and I am ending."

"But you don't even know what we'll do. What we're capable of, or how best you can gauge our trust. At least give us some trial runs before…..

You people are weird."

"Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment."

"...........Thank you."

"So, Natysh got the Dragons."

"First half of what Rainbow wanted. Let it rain wings."

"And now you want to tie the bow that links all together. Why?"

"....Better communication. What can be greater than that?"

"What aren't you telling…"

"How bout fresh food?"

" that's a hard one. It's steaming, it's hot, and my tummy is rumbling. Yes, please."

"Court even said they wanted our help.

Oops, you can set it here. I'll clear a spot."

"Thank you."

"Boats and Pegasus' are great, but one can only haul so much."


Leave the whole bottle of Kecthup, please."

"You got it.

And the other is slow."

"Aren't you girls forgetting something?"



"We didn't say Grace?"

"That too, but I was thinking more..."

"Beneath the surface."

".....THE MERMAIDS!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh shoot. How could we forget them?

All this time we have one of our own sitting amongst us, but have completely neglected the others not present."

"Unless you want to spring them, then I'd say they are vastly more of a worry then the Dragons and Natysh. Them, we can see; but the Mermaids could chop down our bridge without any of us being the wiser."



"We'll.....look into it."