She sells Seashells

"Genzie, give it to me straight. What's the damage?"

"Wolfgirl is stable. Just let her rest."

"You know what I meant."

"........On my trip to my homeland, I came across the damage, and...….you want the good news or the bad?"


"Roses are red, violets are blue; all the animals are dead, but not us too."



"Well, now we can eat whatever we want again. No more relying on Rainbows machines to give us food, so that's a plus."


"It was unavoidable, Genzie."

"Guess you now have good news and bad news to share."

"I'm sure Natysh will learn the good."

"That doesn't make up for….."


"Ruby, you can't…."

"I said shh. I hear something."

"There is nobody out here but just Wolfgirls sleeping, and our…."


"Defemsive positions.


Genzie, we are not alone."


"I see eyes."







"Oh no."

"You knew he was kicking ouit weaklings when they no longer could fit your 'team'. And did nothing. A bystander is still a criminal.''

"Genzie, swords. It's the big boy."

"And now I just had to kill them all to keep the Beasts engaged so as not to attack the city. Again...…your fault."

"You got the people out."

"Don't...….change the subject.

I see no remorse on your face. I see no tears in your eyes, and I feel no sorrow in your heart. I don't know who gave you your powers, but since you haven't been acting like 'Nature', then I am here to take them away."

"Lion, you're delusional. You just need rest.


Vine structure."


"I need to go get help. Twiggy, take over."

"Where are you going?"



"Knock, Knock"



"That's just a drop of blood. Surrender before I draw more."

"Wolfgirl, wake up. We need you. Ruby needs you. Wolfgirl....Wolfgirl.


You weigh like a ton, Fatso.



Smarter not harder, Gen. Smarter not harder.

Maybe if I twinkle her nose with some Pixie dust, she just might sneeze."




"You don't scare me. Your paws may be bigger than my head, but my head is…."



"Pinned to the ground."

"Get offf me, Lion. You're squishing me. Get off."


"Here goes nothing. Wolfgirl, please wake up.








*Accch, accchhh, accchhhh, accchhh, acccchhh, acchhhh, acccch, accccch*





"Now, for me to get back to my prey.

Hey, where'd you...…oh no you don't. Get back here."

"You first."

"Wolfgirl, no!!!!!!!"


"What the?"





"Aaaach, aaach, aaaach, aaaaach."






"Wolfgirl? Wolfgirl?'"