Whether the Weather

"Kid, please don't be like your dad."


"You don't have to worry about me."


"But when will you change him back?"

"He'll have to do that on his own."

"But then he's going to waste his second wish."

"Exactly. Tough lesson. You mess up once, you have to put in twice the work to fix it."


"Unless what?"

"You wish for him to turn back."



"But it was his mistake."


"I'm not making you do anything. We Fairies know our place."



"I...…please turn my father back into a human, I wish it."

"So sayteh, Master."



I.....I'm back. I'm.....Ribbit...…I'm back. But how? I didn't wish. It's not my turn."

"Now it is."

"You wished me back to life?"

"Of course he did."

"But why? My mistake, my punishment, my undoing."

"Dad, you may not have trusted me, but I would happily use a wish on you anyday. You tell us Kids to tough it alone and push out of the house faster than a girl can push a baby out, but.....we all know what you really want. A Family. Not just in name only."

"Can...…can you give my son more wishes...…to.....to replace the one the he wasted on me? Please? I wish it."



"You can't wish for more wishes."

"Why not?"


"Because that is out of our control. Leave it to the wishing Gods."


"I said God."

"Girls can be gods?"

"Besides, you may have learned your lesson, but never expect a reward after every 'kind' act you do. Your son wanted nothing more than to just hug you. Whatever happened to that being enough?"


Is there....nothing I can do to thank him?"

"Use your imagination."


"You know, I should be burning up right now, but thanks to this fairy armor."

"Fairy dust."

"I can swim forever."


"That's it?"



"What's it?"


"Sue…..from school? What does she have to do with anything?"

"You wish you always wanted to go to her house, but she is always so busy and lives so where. Even we are to busy."

"Go on?"

"Fairies, can you make these two fall in love?"

"But we don't…"

"Dad. I know you said you trust me, and that you like research but you are again researching the wrong thing. No magic can wish for romance. Have you watched nothing?"

"But....I want to make you happy, and I know she makes you happy. So, girls?"

"I...….can bring her here, but no promises what happens afterwards. She can stay a few days with you, but then…"

"I'll take it. How much?"

"Just a wish."

"Then I accept. I wish for my son's happiness."

"So sayeth your second wish."



"What? How am I...…..where am...….."

"Susie, it's me. From...."

"I know you."

"Now, each of you have one wish left."

"Why one? Shouldn't we give him two? Wishing our names is not a wish."

"You'd be surprised how hard it is for that connection."

"What if I drop a penny in?"


"I.....oh...I'll just put it away and let you boys figure out what this is."

"Thank you."

"So, you learned our name."

"You learned our ways."

"You helped him focus."

"And you learned love."

"So, what else is there to answer. You have one wish Kid. Your mom is already inside as happy as can be, and your Father is beaming with joy in his eyes for you. So...….this last wish is for you, and you alone."

"That goes for both of you. Now that you know who we are, how powerful we are, and our names....."

"Please...…..make your selection."


That'sa tough one. If I could only have one wish, and I can't wish for more wishes, and wishing for unlimited rewards would just ruin my life down the road; then I.....Pass my turn to my dad."

"Can he do that?"



"Thanks for the Dress. It will pair nicely with our date night; and again....sorry for how I acted."

"No bother. As I say…..full moon, full swoon."

"Ummmmmm...…How about a fly?"

"A fly?"

"A fly?"

"Dad, haven't you learned your lesson last time?"

"Aaaaah...…a fly you say."


"You ready boys?"

"Then a f.l.y you shall have. Four lively young babies coming up."

"Ruby, wait.."


"I think he meant he wants to be 'forever looking young.' You know, 'age of wisdom' he has found out is a lie. Childs are in the eye."

"Oh…oh…..I….Pffff....I knew that.

Dip your cup in and drink till you pass."

"What cups?"


"Don't break em now.

And, Ma."


"Here are three more cups for you."

"I don't know what's happening, but thank you."

"You...…are all...…very welcome. Thank you. *POOF*