Yankee Doodle

"Thank you, Fairies."

"For what?"

"Letting us see from your perspective.'

"It was nothing."

"Nothing? What do you mean, nothing? Thanks to you, we became fairies."

"And because of being Fairies, Sid was able to make a wish."

"And for that.....we granted it."

"What did you just say?"

" 'We.....granted it?

….But that means….."

"Hey, Kid. How old are you?"

"Mom, look at all of them. Just flying up there without a care in the world. I can't even see the blue sky, buy I can feel the wind."



"How old are you?"

"Ten and three quarters."

"So, you're one of those people.



I mean, nothing against. A wish is a wish is a wish. Sit back and think. Ten whole years of Magic."

"You mean ten and three quarters years."


"Ruby, what are they carrying in their mouths?"

"I don't know. I can't see that far away, but it looks like...…"

"Gift baskets!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*BOOM....…Boom...Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom*

"Does every single person get a Pegasus?"

"We don't discriminate."

"As long as...you can fit your legs over both sides of its back.


Fine. As long as you can fit as much over the side. Their.

They have a driving law, and without ours; babies could fly."

"Good point."

".......So, in conclusion; I want to say...


LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"This has gone too far.

Back, back, back. We don't want you. We don;'t...




"Why can't we pierce their hides? They are real, aren't they?"




"Mine gones too."

"So is mine."

".....They're under the contract of a Wish."


"That would explain a lot."



"I think he wants you to take the Gift Basket that's dangling from his teeth."

"Oooookay. But why are they immune, and not Ruby?"

"Let me see that envelope.


Bla…bla, bla. Bla, bla, bla. Bla bla...…Oh. Here we go.

'Having not fought nor killed, they were not provoked to do such harm, and hereby won't be harmed. Harming one could mean harming yourself.' "

"........I guess the era of Peace has just begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"