
"So, this......…is an Ocean?"

"Soak it in, Boys. This is real water."

"That's all I see."

"Then you're blind. Don;t see what is, but what can be."

"After all this time, watching from afar; we are the first who can finally step foot as Civilians."

"I think they have a different word for us."

"If it's Friend, then I'll take it."

"Just be on your guard. They may be letting us build, but until then you can't roam free. So, I will go secure the paper; and you....follow every single word they say down to the letter."


"Down...…to the...…..Letter!!!!!!"

"But our Machines are more then big enough know.....Mine!!

Just think of it. They have never seen tech, nor huge machinery back behind Rosas Palace. Think of it ."




"Aaaaaahhh.....My eye. My eye. My…..





"Here, Sharkie, sharkies.


Ruby, take that as your sacrifice and our sign of trust.

Now, can I expect that from the rest of you?"


"We will follow you through thick and thin."

"State your reason for entering?"



"Sir, I...…do those Dragons have to get so close?"

"I said, 'State your reason for entering?'"

"They're just checking us for inspection.

We're here to see Ruby and start the construction of the Bridge. I am President Rain, and...."

"You're lost."


"Rosa's Palace is that way, not here. Where do you think you're going?"

"Forgive us, but this is our first time. You...…understand."

".......Dragons, turn them around and show them the RIGHT...….WAY."

"Again, we are completely sorry and a thousand parthings. All the water looks the same, and the beaches are all….."


"I was going to say, Sand; but yeah."

"Just don't make the same mistake twice."

"That means you'll let us live to make it?"

"Leave before I change my mind."

"Yes. Sir. Thank you."

"Thank you."

" Thank you."

"This is going to be a long two months of work."


"I mean, they best not be sneaking anything inside the Machines when they bring them over. Just strictly unload, and reload. No driving around."

"You sure they can drive?

Look at them. They can't even fly.

Why has no one given them flying lessons?"

"Not our expertise."

"Well, someone better or else people will start calling us to ask for a Taxi."

"We are not a Taxi, sir."

"Exactly. Someone needs to teach them before we turn into one."