






I can't. I need water. I need rest. I need."

"You don't 'NEED' anything. You want."


What's the…..



"Just remember. Next time you feel down, repeat this phrase. 'Even flowers bloom by the Devil's throne.'"

" 'Even flowers bloom.'"

" 'By the…"

"Bye the…."

"Devil's throne."

"Rubys bedside.


"No, no. no. I didn't say you could sleep."

"But I can't breathe. I can't...…..I'm not supposed to be off of my Planet. Ariel made it very clear that…."

"Why don't we go talk with this Ariel."

"But I can't leave. I can't…."


"What about Lolli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Her worries are her own. Yours are just beginning."

"...You mean like that stormcloud approaching?"

"Ariel, I think it's best you close those eyelids before they get stained."

"....I agree with him. You don't want your eyelids tainted, do you?"

"Dragon, I...….I didn't know you could talk."

"Who you calling Dragon?"



What are you...…how are you...why are you...… doesn't matter.

Welcome to my world."

"Glad to be here.

Dragon wants me to train to become His replacer, and I guess the best place to help my imagination is you. So...….what do you need done?"

"Where do I start?"

"You could start by asking me how I have been, because to be honest; I have been dying to ask how you have been."

"How have you been, Ruby? I know it's been a while, and I did my best to say hi, but….."

"It's ok. I know you are busy. You know I am busy."

"That's no excuse."

"Then show me around in your 'ship' and give me a layout of the land what I can and can't do."

"Don't you need to be close to your Dragon or else…


"What....what's He doing? Why is He bleeding for you?"


"Ruby, what are you….."




"What are you waiting for? I've been blessed by the Dragon, and now I want to bless you."

"Of course. Of course.

So.....hop in, I guess.

Where would you like to go first?"

"Ariel, you are the only person I know on this strange Planet; but I can guarantee you after this is all over, you won't be the last.

Hit it."