"So, this is what you do all day?"


"I do more than just talk through animals, you know. I can use them for anything my heart desires."

"Then why not turn around?"

"Oh…..No, no, no, no, no, na….no.

Rainbow made me not to kill, only to protect. I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"But you're a human, not a Robot."

"That doesn't change the....

Hold on.

I'm here. What's the...….Rain?"

"I know you can't tell me anything as to where you or Ruby are."


"Nor do I want to know."


"Just...…please let me finish.


I don't know if the Dragons will hold her for a week, two weeks; or longer; but can you just give me a yes or no?"


"But I didn't even ask."

"What were you going to ask?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. Thank you for asking."

"Is Ruby ok?


"Lolli, is Ruby ok? I have no way of reaching her, and thought....well...…you may be the only one who can, so just listen. If you can, and she is not dead; tell her that we miss her and whatever she turns into we will always love her no matter what. Can you do that for me?"

"Be careful, Rain."

"Lolli, wait. Before you go, can you…..



"Why didn't you answer his question? He asked you. You have to answer."

"No. No I do not. That's the difference between knowledge and discernment. I can know all the things in the world, but if I don't know how to use them well when and where; then...….it's best we just leave it."

"Lolli, thanks for talking to me last night."

"You're welcome. Ruby. How is everything going? Making friends?"

"Ariel and I went to the junkyard today and the owner said he had been running it since he was a kid. I asked to see his face....and get this."


"They were all teenagers. Well, not real teenagers; but you know what I mean. I told you that the people here grow backward, but that didn't matter. I never felt so much more alive than when I hugged them. We talked, chatted, and hung out. I think I am really getting clearway with them, and without having to use my fists. Thank you."

"What did I do?"

"You were there when nobody else was.

How is everyone back home? Anybody miss me yet?"

"You know how they are. Busy with the Bridge and all.


"Oh.....I see. Sorry I called you and bugged. I'll leave my spot open for somewhere else."

"Ruby, wait. I didn't say nobody called; I just said...….."

"How many did?"


"Goodbye, Lolli."

"But, but, but if they were to talk with me I am sure they would have said that you are a strong enough girl who can take care of themself so they need not worry.

He….hello? He…hello? Ruby?"

"...........Strong enough is not strong enough. It's not unbreakable, and if I need to be unbreakable; then maybe I need to destroy some bridges to make room for more."

"Ruby, wait. I can phone someone and."


"So much for a friend who protects all."

"Actually...…..I think that went very well."


"Now both of them have their own motivation and have no choice but to trust that the other is doing well."

"Just don't wreck em."

".......Don't plan on it, Frost.

Hi, you called? How is your day today?"