Free Fall

"Everyting all good, Ariel?"

"Babies rule."


...….Babies do rule, don't they?


"What.....what did I say?"

"I should make a sign showcasing that. Tank is already flying to the other Junkyards as we speak."

"Just keep the Kids back as we work.

You got the plans?"

"...Right here."

"Thanks, Scarlett.

How's it look so far, you think?"

"Looks incomplete."




No, YOUR OTHER left."

"Hey, watch our heads when you swing that crane. Their are people in the air, you know."

"I'm sorry. I don't carry glasses."


"Mllummmmmmm, to you too; you little fairy.



"Hands off my shiny. That's mine."

"Scarlett, it may be incomplete now, but picture it. A Y shaped two tunged Bridge; as strong as an Ox; stretching across the length of a cat. Higher then a…."



"You and your exxagerations."

"We 'Forces' are many things, but exaggeration is not one of them."


"But if you don't want to trust us and want to research on your own, then we will say proceed at your own risk."

"But I don't want to talk to Lolli. What if she confirms the truth? What if she confrirms Ruby is dead?"

"Lollis not, so why should Ruby?"

"Lolli can't hurt a Dragon. In fact, she can't even hurt unless controlled; that's how weak she is.

Ruby on the other hand has already shown she is more than capable. Dragons would be foolish not to even think of the idea of Ruby coming back to life to enact revenge.

Take her at her weakest, most vulnerable point, like Rainbow."

"Whose side are you on?"

"Dragons don't pick a side.

That's what I am scared of."

"Just keep your head on, and don't swivel. Everything will be alright."

"Why are you so confident? Do you know something that we don't? 'Cause if you're holding out onme, and the rest of us here, then I...I...….

Don't tell me."

"But you just…

Fear what I'll say too?"

"I'll...go check on the Kids. Thankfully, all of this racket cannot be heard by them."

"AND I'LL BE HERE. office.


Back to work everyone. Break time is over."

"But.....we didn't even break? Why can't we?"

"As long as people are looking, I want us to be the pinnacle of top."

"Sir, they are always looking though."

"I'm back."

"Scarlett, what are you…"

"No time. Come with me...all of you."

"But we have to work.That's what we are hre for."

"With Ruby gone, and the others busy; I am in charge...until Jacklyn or Elwin decide to become unbusy first; but Jacklyn won't leave her Tournament, and Elwin not her post...… come on. Come on.

You want to know why you are helping, don't you?"

"Uhhhh…..I thought we were helping you."

"And we are helping the Kids. Come on. I promise you this will be sort of like a lunch break. Yeah. A lunchbreak. Kids are on theirs, so I promise you won't be disrupting their schedule and flow of classes."

"Then we come back here right after?"

"Uhhh…..I mean.....if you want."

"We need."

"Then you will."

"Okay, Boys. You heard the lady. Pack it and lock it; we're rolling out."

"Without...…the vehicles. They stay."

"Of course, Of course. I remember."

"This don't want to be late."

"But you said they were on Break."

"Yeah, and the longer we tardy; the faster we'll go. I'll ride with you and show you the way."

"Ruby told us not to leave the Palace without permission."

"Then I...... 'AM'.....your permission."