
"You good, Ruby? Something not sitting right?"

"Got done talking to Lolli and it's not good."

"What's up?"

"Besides the fact that everyone thinks I am dead, or the fact that the Dragons split us up just so that we can watch from afar what happens to our world?"

"Now you're sounding heartless."

"What more can I do?"



"Ruby, you take any step outside of the Dragons eyesight, and your dead by lack of air."

"I know this grass is not the same as your grass....but it's grass nonetheless."


"They didn't kill you, you know."

"To the rest of the world, might have been better of if They had.


"Oh no. What did I say?"


"Yes, Ruby?"

"You are connected to the database back at home, right?"

"Of course."

"And you can't delete name, correct? You can only do that from the central computer."

"Of course."

"Can you...change them though?"

"You want me to call you by a different username? You don't need settings for that."


I want everyone to call me by a different name."



And what name would you like showing up then?"


"Oh. Hey. I…ohhh. I missed you too. What are you…


What are you still doing here?"

"Making the School bigger. Soon, it won't be a Mansion, it won't be a castle...it will be a whole Community."

"You really think this can work? Everyone all under one roof?"

"Of course. Magics can't leave the School, but with more people wanting to come; we will be the biggest and brightest school in all of history. So, move the school for...the Magics."

"It's not technically titled 'leaving' since they are still within the School."

"And people say Kids aren't smart."

"We're smart. This school is all about Magic, but shrouded within the Guardians realm, so…."

"You idiots."

"What do you think? They can't touch us in here."

"Kids, you can't just connect this wall; to the next house over and call it the Guardians domain as well."

"That's why we always build up; not sideways. Can't touch another building if we go up."

"..........And how far up are you thinking of going, without tipping over?"

"I don't know.

…..Maybe to Heaven."

"Jesus won't allow you to."

"He will when He sees our faces. Who can say no to our cute adorable eyes? Their is nothing cuter, Jacklyn."

"...A Puppy."


"Come on. The parties happening outside, not in. You can continue building later.


You cannot honestly pick a bed over a Head, can you?"

"Depends on the bed."

"And the head."

"Come on. Never try, never fail, never open your eyes.

I won't let that happen. You Kids go on ahead and I will stay to make sure you haven't totally mixed things up for me tomorrow."


"Did I say tomorrow?"

"What are you trying to get at?

Have they turned you into a Scoutter?"

"Go, before I lock you in here."

"We're going. We're going."

"......Lolli, people have been telling me both sides; this, that; and now I don't know what to think, but there's an easier way to figure out if Ruby is alive or not; and if they cared, they would too.



And I'm going to find out."
