
"Woo, woo, woo. What's all this 'Friend' talk about?"


"Theo, Josh. Josh, Theo."



Is he just as passionate as you?"

"Passionate about eating."

"I am not."

"But hopefully we can change that. Gamers like to feel needed. If not, they will just be Couch Potatoes."

"What are you getting at, Little Sister?

I told you. I don't deal with Kids. They are a nuisance, loud, rambunctious, irritating little...…What'd you agree to?"

"I assure you, Theo. He means nothing by what he says."

"You need not worry. Sibling rivalries are a lot healthier than actual ones. Trust me."


"Yes, Josh. Maybe some Big Brother play is exactly what you need."


When, where, how? What time? I need to go change my room. This place is a mess. How can you two just stand there? This house is definitely not up to code. There is food stashed everywhere. Don't people know that you need to lock Cupboards and put safety caps on Capsules or else the harmfullness of….."


"I….I...…I gotta go.

I gotta go!!!"

"Looks like you don't have to worry about him. He hasn't even seen the Kids and he's already excited."

"But are they excited to see him? I'll go talk to my....nevermind. I was going to set up a Playdate, but realized I can't."

"Theo, they are adults. They can…."



"Your Kids steal, don't they?"

"I don't see how that is relevant."

"Thanks for clarifying. Bye."

"Uhh...wait here, Theo. I'll go talk to him.

Josh, you were for them, and now you are against them? What made you change your.....Wooooooo."

"You like it?

Really put your mind to something if you are caring enough."

"I don't think Mom and Dad would........It's perfect."

"Thank you."

"THEO, you can come into the Kitchen now."

"Josh, before you go around judging other Ki...….so this is what you meant by 'stealing?'"

"It's not much but 'stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.'.....is always ok."

"How'd you...."

"My personal stash. And before you ask how I am going to help the Kids, Jacklyn, you are scared about showing your powers in real life; but Online...….you're just another face."


"I knew that you weren't just a Couch Potato. Mom and Dad always told you to come outside and play, not realizing that you were inside playing for keeps."

"Someones gotta pay when no one is around."

"I don't even want to ask what your Gamertag is, but if its Brogether, then I am all for it."

"My Gamertag is not 'Brogether.'

Now please get off."


Mr. Grumpy pants.

Since you asked so nicely, I will oblige.

…..Human contact won't hurt you, you know."

"Isn't there somewhere you have to be?"


"Yes. Actually we do."

"We do?"

"The more I stand here, talking about my kids, and only seeing you two is not helping."

"Good seeing you, Josh. Your enthusiasm, paired with my skill set will show our parents that we truly understand responsibility and how to accommodate. Until next time."


"Come on, Theo. Let's get you to a….less crowded place to clear your thoughts."

"Sounds good."