
"Frostwing, you are back, but what did you…..why is...."

"I froze them, Sir."


"It is true that you are powerful, we are fragile; and therefore should not mix; but it has been over a hundred years since last we met."

"How can you understand us?"

*Tick, tick, tick*

"Before you stole Ruby away from us, she gave me this listening device. It's a translator, but more stretched. She paved the way by killing the bad guys, and has sinceforth passed the rest on to me to teach you. She never wanted to fight you in the first place, only to understand."

"We are not here on her accord."

"Then why are you?"

"If we don't abide by Natyshs childish rules, she's the only one who can backfire us."

"I don't think that's the case.

Look around. When she called you, your first reaction was to drop everything and help. Although you're like a Strongman to a water bottle; I can teach you how to hug with respect, and not with power...…..If you'll let me."



You promise not to tell anyone we are here?"

"Natysh is away and Ruby is to play. It's your time to shine. How will you prioritize?"




"What.....what did you just....*awwcckkk, awwccckkk, awwckkk. Urhaaa….urhaa…..hurrrrrrr....Petwoo.

Not bad, besides the smoke. Everybody needs cover to change but that doesn't mean you had to steam up the place."

"Turn around."

"Why? Are we no longer in a time....wooooo."

"Get a taste of what real magic is like. All the Creatures are under our control. As long as it is within the Boundaries of this KIngdom, we rule it."

"And although that sounds harsh, people fear us."

"But they don't fear each other."

"I'll say. Good job with the disguises of turning into people, but...."


"Ruby can turn into anybody almost seemingly without leaving any of her behind. And...you definitely left something behind.

Humans don't walk around with tails."

"We don't abandon Heritage."

"I understand, but I don't abandon transparency either. Where's Natysh?

I won't let you kick her out like you did Ruby."

"Frostwing, please show DeathPetal where our Mistress is.

….We value transparency as well, but if you break any ordinance."

"You have yet to tell us what they are."

"Does a friend come out on the first day?"


"Tell Natysh we said hi and that we are taking very good care of her Baby. A sort of…..Backpedaling if you will."

"Is that all? No thank you for letting us stay. No how are you? Just a simple we will rewrite history?

You best be on Good terms when she returns in seven months. You will be at the Christening Coronation, won't you? Or as the Babysitters, will you leave before the parents come back from vacation?"

".....Safe travels."

"DeathPetal.....take us up."


"You think they are being nice just to invade?"

"We thought that's what Lolli was doing. She proved us wrong. Why should Dragons be any different?"

"No two people are the same, Jacklyn."

"You have a mistaken premise there. Dragons aren't people."

"Maybe you should take them down to Old Garden just in case. Show them what happened last time we let them in. Then make them promise they won't fight again."

"DeathPetal, that's like asking a Swimmer never to swim again, even though they have no physical disabilities to speak of. You and I both know they will keep swimming. The Dragons may be a hierarchy, but they are freeling giving us magic, and now checking in on us out of the kindness of their heart."

"Dragons don't have hearts."

"They're not monsters either."

"You always see what's best in people."

"But unlike Rainbow, I am smart enough to protect myself. Natysh trusts the Dragons, just need her ok for us to do as well."

"Jacklyn, you best start rehearsing your lines 'cause we are here. Tropical Island."

"Let's just hope Natysh is just as vibrant as all this fruit."

"And that we don't accidentally spill the wrong juice."

"Or the wrong cup.

Frost, Death; take me down."