
"Kris, office now."

"Looks like you two Birdies dove deeper than you should have. Have fun. Just don't take my spot."

"Can it, Stephanie. You know we will always leave a seat open for you."



"Come on, Jake. Be the older man."

"But she's older than me.


Aaaaaaagh. Why are you dragging me for?"

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"I wasn't talking about age.

Principle Rogue. We are here. Are you?"

"Maybe we heard things."

"There you two are. Please, follow me inside."

"I thought you can't eat food inside of a Classroom?"

"This isn't a Classroom."

"Then you should've changed to 'Building.'"

"Maybe; but while I think it over, I also have something for you two to think over as well."

"Our actions?"


Do you know which ones I speak of?"


"Go on. Peak my curiosity."


"Yesterday Iris got pushed to the ground in front of her locker, and we wanted her bully to pay for it but first we had to find the Bully."


"After we found the Bully we may have...led Jade to not be able to smell her lunchtime amazement. Accidentally making it burnt."

"But Iris came over, threw the stinky stuff away and even gave her her own."

"All because we broke Jade's nose."


"So, in a way; they were fighting, and we intervened to help them make up. You never appreciate someone until you absolutely need them and have no one else. Stephanies girl had no one else, but when Jade got into a.....bloody situation; Iris came over, and she had no choice but to trust Iris. She could have taken revenge and offered mer moldy cheese."

"The Cheese touch."

"But instead, she turned into a friend. So, in a way we made our problems go full circle and now that they are friends, I don't see why we need to get into trouble. Sometimes one must break in order to renew. Can we go now?"


"Sit back down in your chairs, Children."



Now that I heard your side, let me tell you mine.


"You forgot to mention the part where Jade purposefully forced Iris to the ground because she could not stand the smell of Iris' food and called it rubbish and distasteful. So once you found out who it was and analyzed all that you saw, you came up with the plan to hit her nose vs any other part of the body. Hindsight seeing....what she would do."

"You trying to validate our reasoning? Whatever we did, we shouldn't have."

"I agree. You need to be punished."

"What?  We punch a girls nose and now we gotta be the ones trickling blood, when Stephanies girls have done far worse."

"Help insuate their anger for better performance? Call out their flaws so they can improve on them."

"That's not what it feels like. I still say it is unfair."

"I didn't say it wasn't. For your punishment, you are going to miss First hour...…for the next week."

"Sleep in? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

That's the best punishment ever. Oh thank you, Sir. Thank you."

"And I will be replacing it…..with Tigers training course."

"We're going to have to do second hour twice? I should've broke her eyesight too."

"And her voicebox."

"Just for that, I'll tack on extra."

"But we didn't do anything."

"A thought is like a fly. It comes and goes, but the Tongue… is an extension of the heart.

...…..So you now have to wake up one hour earlier."


"I'll make it two if you keep complaining."

"Another thing. Since you will be waking up earlier, you will have less sleep time, therefore have less study time for next day. So, to give you as miuch ample amount of sleep required."

"We don't have to do Tests?"

"You will hand in Tests and all homework the day before others if it pertains to a period so that you can sleep peacefully and feel more energized in the morning."

"Thanks, but we'll also be burning more energy than others. Work twice as hard during the day so that we can sleep three times as much."

"I don't see a problem with that. Do you?"

"No, sir. Thank you, Sir. We won't let this happen again."

"Don't make promises I don't intend you to keep?"