
"How much longer do we have to…."


"Oh shoot. That's me. 

*whoooo, whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo…..







"Jacklyn, remember the two things Theo gave you."

"Watch. Identify the problem, and remove the clog.

Rubix cube. Put the other pieces back together."


"Thanks Frostwing. It's only you and me now.



Can you amplify my suit as well?"

"With pleasure."


"Maybe you should have picked a different game. Shark tag feels too deadly."

"Shark Tag is played with Dodgeballs, not this."


"Anyways, this Suit brings my time up from five seconds to twenty seconds. 

Let's get to work."

"Trigger bombs, here…..here...and here."

"Multiple? I won't be able to get to them all in time."

"It's not only touch that sets them off. They can set themselves off."

"Hmm. Fear is a weapon."

"But it also could be a salvation.

You focus on the middle Kids, I'll make a swoop around.

Toss them to me once you have them and I'll fly them to safety."

"Or...you fly, I toss.

Lightning….do your thing.



"Got em. Oh, another. Got em. Woooo, slow down, Babycakes."


"Just like catching fireflies with a Net."


"Now that you're in my Web, it's time to discard you. Up....up…..up...and away!!!!!!!!!!!"


"You know, Frostwing. If you were a Batter, there wouldn't even be a game."


But Serenity's Brats will always be invited."

"Time end."


"What…..what happened? Where's?"



"Ouch. You ran into me."



"So who won? Whose Butt was touched last by the Parachute?

Frostwing, you are the Ref. What did you see?"

"I know you all have questions, and you have complaints. Feel free to vent.



"Not yet."

"But you said when you say Igloo, we could vent?"

"And those are not words we put in your mouth. They were already there."

"Toss your Parachute side up, grab the Handle, fold it, tuck it under your Butt, and sit down."


"Now can we vent?"

"Before you vent, tell me what you see?"

"Ummm….not a vent? All I see are beautiful colors. No holes, no gaps, no nothing."

"And why is that?"

"Well, if there were holes; we wouldn't be able to create this Colorful Dome. It would deflate on us."

"Correct. Every Coor is stitched together, no matter where you look. You can look up. You can look down. You can look sideways, and you can cross-eyed."


"But..I wouldn't admit that last one. And do you know how we created this dome?"

"We all had to sit down on our Handle. Just like the Hotcakes where we all had to flap, same here we all have to sit. If one of us stands, a hole will be made. Air will come in, and this Dome will deflate."

"You guys ready to Recap now, or.....are you good?"

"Does this mean you are leaving us?"

"Why would you say that?"

"We all know, you end with a Bang. Not start with one. The Detectives found the problem, deduced the source after talking around. Darius brought us together, while you ended the Feud."

"And it was all possible through Magic; which Frostwing will now give us.


"Uhhhhhh, since this is our first Planet, I will be honest with you. We just now got the Seedlings into the soil, so we don't have any beautiful flowers to give you."


"But don't be sad. Don't be sad. Here."

"What's this?"

"I remembered that Frostwing and the other Dragons already deployed a Lollibot anywhere and everywhere. Only problem is, nobody knows how to turn them on, nor connect with them. That's where we come in. To help you understand.

Type in your name, and then pass it around."

"What will happen next?"

"Lolli will be unlocked and be able to guide you through all the things she can do."

"Plus, it's not just a username. It's your name. Without it, Lolli will keep calling you numbers."

"And that is not professional, trust me. I was there when numbers were all she knew. You think colors are hard? Try scratching your head when she yells out B12 61."

"You don't know if she's citing a Battleship move, or directly talking to you."

"Brrrrrr. Those times were rough."

"This Lolli you speak of. What does she do exactly?

"Same as we are. Protect and Serve. Ditch your phones, stay connected anywhere, anywhen. And better yet….stay protected. So, while everyone is busy learning Magic, she keeps your backside safe at all times."