Xu Zhen

"You got your Crew all calmed down?"

"Ruby, now's not the….I mean, Alexa; we're working on it. It's part of the Mission."

"I got another Mission for you."

"Go on."

"Find all the Batteries."

"You already told me this."

"No. I mean it. You are not the only ones in a Contract on Earth. I am in my own Contract with Darius. Eight years, eight candles."

"What happens on the eight year?"

"On my birthday, Xyone comes to take me home.

I have to live with the torment until then."

"That's not too bad. It was a good run."

"You don't know who Xyone is, do you?"

".......Should I say, yes?"

"In eight years, He will come to take me back."

"But nobody has such a great impact as you. If He comes, He will take it all."

"I know. He'll take me, and all I ever helped make. He'll take me. He'll take Lolli. He'll take Scarlett. He'll take the Bots, and He'll take the Dragons."

"I thought the Dragons couldn't be taken."

"The Earthling Dragons, Jacklyn. The Earthling Dragons. So, with no me; everything I have worked for is gone. Without Lolli, all she has is gone; and so on, and so forth."

"No more Rosalin for Elwin."

"That's the least of your worries. During my time on Sunscare, I have come to know Xyone, and he doesn't like waiting. So when the Contract says eight years, that means on my Birthday; He'll physically appear. No sooner, no later."

"Where will He appear?"

"On the Bridge that was constructed."

"Can't we just cut PlantLily down."

"That's like slapping your Boss in the face."

"Can we…..can we revoult?"

"Then He'll drag us out. One….by one."

"But He's just one guy.

...What aren't you telling me? Please don't tell me you've summoned the whole Fandom.


"I'm sorry. I'm just so famous, and now Lolli is doing it for me."

"What exactly is she doing?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that Xyone will be bringing an army of Executives to drag me from my Cubicle and out the door. In the process, they will wreck the place. The only person who can stop him is the Unicorn. Even Dragons can't touch him."

"But we can't find the Unicorn. Nobody knows where she is."

"But we do know when she is."

"Do you even know how to use the Machine if and when I ever do find the Batteries? Convince the Starships to give them to me, and deliver them to you?"

"Two Bateries."

"That's two Starships I am going to have to fight, you do realize?"

"It's either that or stop Lolli."

"If their is even a small sliver of a chance that we can defeat Him, I'll take my chances. It's not just your work He will be judging. Who even is He?"

"The Leader of a Soulless army."

"Perfect. Now I am going to have Nightmares for weeks. Can you tell him...not to come?"

"I can't Portal back. I've been too long in this Universe, breathing its air."

"So these Ghosts will have to change our air as well in order to tetraform? Oh no. No, no, no. Not if I have a say in it."

"Then don't dream and just believe."

".......Is there a way I can revoke my rights as SecretBearer and give back to Natysh?"


"Alright, alright. Let me think of something."

"Don't think, just do."

"I'm trying. I'm trying.

Gotta go. Crew needs me. Do your best to take care."

"May God help us all."

"May God help us all.

