
"Darius, watch..."



"Sorry, Jacklyn. Didn't see you there."

"Young man, please tell me you washed your hands before picking up your Feline companion?"

"I...…No, Ma'am."

"Then drop the Cat and run."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Don't touch me, or anything else.



".....To what do we owe the pelasure of your presence, Jacklyn? Cracked the case?"

"I can tell you one thing. The Unicorn....is...…alive!!!!!!!!

A Dragonheart is in the Chest."

"But why a Dragon's heart?"

"And beating no less. If I were the Unicorn, I'd take Carcas and all, making sure they can never come back again."

"I agree with you. The fact that this heart is still beating means that one of us killed it, and not the Unicorn."

"But that's impossible."

"Not impossible. Just hard.

Locked it up in a Chest and paraded around the streets to show that the impossible really was….possible. Somebody must have found the Chest and discarded it, not wanting the secret to get out. No body, no threat."

"And no threat, no urgency. Somebody hid it here to one day resurrect the fearsome, terrible, mighty Dragons of old."

"Will you stop with the Myths and such? Why does everything have to go full circle?"

"...Cause the Earth is round, and wind always comes back?"

"If they slapped a big ol 'Dragonheart' label on it; just like with Dragonfrog, and Rubys Wish serum, the others would have come to claim what they believe is there's."

"And now we have it. Aaaaaaaah…yeaaah. They're going to have to come through us if they want their dead King back."

"Jake, that's not a good thing."

"What do you mean? You said nobody has ever killed a Dragon except the Unicorn, but newsflash. Someone actually did kill one. We don't know how, and we don't know where; but if it happened before, it can happen again. That should give us hope....shouldn't it?"

"Just don't tell Frostwing what's in there."


"Where even is Frostwing?"

"I told her we were going to Prequill, and she wanted nothing to do with that Place. The smell alone keeps people away. You'd have to wear a Hazmat suit to be foolish enough to exit your vehicle down there.

They throw anything and everything. You just have to be brave enough to dig it up."


"I think I might have to join Darius in the Throne room. Excuse me."

"....You know…..it's lonely without Passengers."

"We are Passengers."

"No. You are the Crew. I am talking about Passengers. Whether Escapees, Explorers, or the like. 

Oh what I would give to see these Halls filled."

"That's gonna take a lot of Pixie Dust."

"I can wait.

....Hey, why aren't we going warp speed?"

"No need to. Nobody's chasing us, and we are in no hurry to go anywhere. Just enjoy this trip, because it may be our last peaceful one for a while."

"What do you think the next Planet we explore will look like?"



"...You might not have to wait long. Distress signal, Ten Planets out."

"Well that was fast. You know what to do.


Elwin, take us to warp speed two.


"Yes, Captain.

*Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick*

All systems ago. We'll touch down in three hours. I suggest you do your best to get some sleep before then. We have a big day ahead of us. Who knows what we will be heading into."
