"So, this is the Dream, eh"

*Shake, shake, shake*

"What's that? What did you just craft up, young man?"

"It's a Snowglobe. Sadly, I am not the best artist, but that's you and us; holding hands.

Have none of you ever seen one of these before?"

"Why would we hold a Fantasy in our hand, if it can never be a reality?"

"Would you.....would you like to hold it?"


*Shake, shake, shake*

It''s...…it's beautiful."

"Let me see your hands, Master."

"My hands?"

"I want to hold them, and make you feel."

"Feel? What's their to feel?



"What you feel is called cold. You might not like it.


…But to us… always precedes…."



"Go on. Touch it. Taste it. Lick it. Just like the stars in the sky, no two Snowflakes are the same. This is the dream, isn't it?"


"There's another one. And another one. Their is so many, but how does little tiny speck turn into a…"


"Kris, what did you just throw at me?"

"Was it cold?"


"Did you like it?"




"Oooh, you shouldn't have. Do you know who you are dealing with?"

"Aaaaaaaaaghh. Retreat, Jake. Retreat."

"What's your name, girl?"


"And why aren't you participating in the...fight?"

"Nate...I wish I could, but people like me feel like a prison. We only have one skill, and we dang good at it, but Magicians can have many skills. And Dragons...unlimitied. 

I wish I could touch snow. I really do."

"What's holding you back?

Here, look. It's easy. According to Kris, all you do is bend down. Scoop up snow like this. Form it into a ball, and pack it solid.


….Now you try. Here.


What the? Why'd it melt?

"I told you...…..It's a prison."

"Elwin, where are you going? Lighten up."

"If you want to follow, Nate; then follow. If not, I can't force you.

Bears seeing their first snowfall is one thing. Doing it… another. Dragons give magic. We clone life. We don't make life, we stretch it. You're talking about finding a way to stop a Bears growing natural need for rest, and replacing it. What's the point of doing what you were born to do anymore? We may have gotten your Masters blessing, but I can promise you...getting the Peoples is a whole other ball park. Bears rest...during Winter. Not eat. You saying we have to train them to do the boat basic of necessities, while their Bodies will always fight against them for its....most basic necessity? Not to mention most people don't even know what snow is. They feel a twinge of cold and know; it's the Caves for us."

"We're not asking for a whole year free of this curse. That's impossible. We're just asking for an extra three months? So, can't you do it?"

"I...wasn't expecting this to be our Mission. Rescue usually means take a part, leave the whole. Not save the whole, leave no parts."

"I understand. 

I'll let my Master know."

"Wait, wai….wait. Although I said I wasn't expecting this, doesn't mean I can't do this. Now we know what you want, and now we know what we must do to get there. Train you to feed; without going to sleep."

"You make it sound so simple. Have you forgotten the part where most people don't even know what snow is? And you and I both know, 'People fear what they do not know. It's suicide, it's death. It's gambling, playing with Mother Nature's vessel. The curse…'s easy. Set your watch; when the alarm goes off, get inside before the Moon comes up. Lock your doors, change; everyones safe. Before you can teach them what to eat, you need to convince them why they should stay awake."

"That's easy. Winter is beautiful. It doesn't beat the changing of leaves in Fall, but it sure comes close."

"I take it you're the Brains. Jacklyn is the encouragement. Darius is the Brawn, and Scarlett is the beauty? Kris and Jake are just here to make sure that before you punch, you punch the right person."

"Oh wow…."

"Am I right, or am I right?"

"You just classified us as being single celled."

"Ummmm. What are you doing? Why are you holding that Tablet?"

"Lolli, please escort these two off my ship."

"What'd I say? I was just complimenting you."

"Right away, Jacklyn."

"Hey...hey. Get your Cats off of me. What'd I say? WHAT'D I...….SAY!!!!!!! AAAAAAGHH!!!"