"RAINBOWS, you're up."

"Guess that's our cue. 

What are the rules again?"

"...Don't die?

And remember, animals bite harder than humans sting."

"We know. I tried taking the food dish away from my Dog, once, and she bit me. Me…her bestfriend. I had blood for days, and a scar here to prove it. Now imagine if she was biting me for real."

"Or imagine what it feels like when they are playing with each other?"


"Well, you no longer need to imagine. Time to find out."

"Oookay, Ladies and Dams. The rules are pretty simple. This...is the Bacon."

"Hey, I know this game. Ruby played it with us."

"Two teams, each will line up by their back lines....respectefully. I blow this whistle…


You both race as fast as you can to grab the ball."

"And then take it back to your side. I got it, Ref."

"Darius, what's the point of Conquering if all you do is take the enemy flag and run?

No. You take the Bacon, and then charge the enemy base with it. First to cross the other team's line...…WITH…..Bacon in hand….wins. You do not need to get all of your men across, and you do not need to make sure all of their men are across. If you have the Bacon, your mission is to get yourself across. Unlike Football, you have to get both…..The Bacon AND..your WHOLE body across. It's pointless to win the war and set up the Flag, just to have the enemys clean up crew knock it down. You need at least four people remaining to remind them they are there just for their Bodies, but to remember that the Land is no longer their own.


"Oooooo. I like this. Kinda like 'Bacon', and 'President' both combined forces and made the best Baby ever. Dodgeball aint got nothing on us."

"You all have two minutes to design the President, and claim your strategies.

...Time starts now."

"Okay, team. Huddle up. You heard the Ref. It sounds stupid taking the flag and running away. If you were rescuing a fallen Bacon, and taking it to Sickbay; then rushing back to your side would prove useful, but this game's premise is to dominate. There is nothing gained from running away. Got it."

"Got it."

"Now, these Wherewolves will do their best to take Our flag, and pass it off as their own. We won't let them, will we?"

"No, Sir."

"We plan to die for you."

"R. Do people really die in this game?"

"It can get bloody."

"I got it.

Can the President hold the flag?"

"Darius, you may be the smallest of us, but…."

"Hold on a minute. I think he is onto something.


"Two minutes and counting?

Yes, Jacklyn?"

"You said any fighting's allowed, but are any hands allowed?

Can the President hold the Bacon?"

"I don't care who holds the Bacon, Ma'am. All I care about is who ends up with it."


Thank you."

"What's the gameplan, Jacklyn?"

"Only Silver kills Wherewolves, correct?"


"So we can use our powers."

"They won't do you any good."

"That's ok. We just need to use them as a distraction, long enough to do one thing."

"And what's that?"

"No matter what, whoever gets the Bacon, pass it to Darius."

"Girl, I hope you know what you're doing?"


"........I know exactly what I am doing."

"And I trust her."

"....We all do. Just give us cover."


"Okay, Jack; but for us Kids, bragigng rights outweigh money."

"Clear as day."

"Hands in. Hands in. One, two, three...'TANK.' "

"One, two, three…'KILL.'" 


"R, remember when you said we are more than just name only?"

"Just keep your head down, and you'll do okay."





"R, one last thing? Where's the Medics?"



"Don't listen to them, Jake. Here, there are no Medics in the Forest."
