"........But you'll have to fight them. They won't just give you their hair."


"Trust me. Everybody has a second arm."

"How will we know which?"

"If they sing and flowers bloom, it's a Mermaid. If they sing, and invite you to an open Garden, it's a Nymph. If they are inviting you to 'be alone' with them, however; it's a Nixie. Don't trust them. Nymphs aren't afraid to share. Nixies will keep you for themselves."

"What about Sirens, cause those are who we are really after."

"If you hear music and it kills the flowers, you know you are in the right place, but here."

"Ear Plugs?"

"Trust me. Their music is so bad it will paralyze you. Force you to follow them the longer you stay. Not out of willingness and not out of love, but out of fear. Once you reach a certain depth, put them in."


Now I wish I could use these on our two friends."

" will have to talk to them."

"I figured.


I miss Earth. Where everything was within flying distance of each other and you didn't have to search for anything. Everything was always standing in front of you. You just had to open your eyes."

"Welcome to my world."

"Anything else I should know? I really don't want to cut off their heads just to get their hair.

Can we lure them with shiny things or something?"

"Their is one thing, but you might not like it."

".....Oh boy."

"So, what'd she say?"

"Plug your nose."

"I don't think that's what she…





"Oh shoot. Mermaid Patrole."

"What.....are you...… our….waters?"


"My name is Jacklyn, Captain of the Rainbows. You helped us when we were in need."


"Say what you want, but what I saw, I saw. We're here to return the favor. Help you also….realign."

"And what' it....for…"



"Not your hair, I can assure you; but Sirens."

"What….would you want…with….hair?"

"Sometimes the best things that are waterproof are the things already water."

"If hair is what you want, we got plenty."

"The hair has to be alive. How can it grow if it is dead? How can it move if it is dormant? How can it stretch, if it is laid flat?'

"....Has someone come to claim my hair?"

"She's behind me, isn't she?"


"Siren, what are you…..what are....what are you doing up?"

"Tell me. How many undersea battles have you seen? How many Schools have attacked each other? Been raided? Invaded?"

"Uhhhhhh…..obviously not a lot for we would have stopped exploring the waters long ago."

"Exactly. We are the Keepers of the Sea, bound together with one goal."

"What's that?"

"The moment your ship falls in our waters, it is ours. If Mermaids had their way, they find every Man curious. Nymphs are just bored, and we do our best to hang onto the fellow Nixies we have. Nobody else seems to be protecting the Seas."

"Hey, strength in numbers."

"Shut it, Mermaid. If God wanted Humans to live in Water, He wouldn't have moved them out. So, why are you trying to move them back in? Humans, what brings you?"

"We know that uhhh….Protecting is very…..very…."



"And hard. Especially working down here in the dark. We don't want you tripping over yourself."

"Or have hair in your face."

"So, we want to thank you for protecting the secrets of the deep. Only twenty percent of the Deep has been discovered. God never wanted us looking down, but up. That's why we know more about the Skies above then the ground below. But...while everybody is focused on up, people tend to forget that you are protecting, and washing out feet below."

"So we want to give you a haircut. Make you look presentable, when it comes time for us to properly thank you."

"A Protector's duty is never about Beauty."

"We know. You are too busy watching each other, you have no time to take care of yourself and that's…..that's partly our greedy hearts fault for not giving you the sleep you deserve. And for that, we are sorry."

"Thank you. Bears? Werewolves?"

"Uhhhh...…Sorry for trying to steal your Children?"



"....Apology accepted."

"Well, I am happy that I got to HANG OUT…..with your children, instead of trying to kill them. We love water, and as long as you love it too; we will love it.

...Beautiful Siren."

"....Apology accepted."

"But I wasn't....thanks."

"Jacklyn, I promise that once you dial us up, we will look just as beautiful as any Mermaid."

"As if."


Sirens, stop comparing. In my eyes, you are already a Mermaid."


"Please don't sing for excitement."


"Shall we begin?"

".....Can't wait to see what I look like once all this Crud and blood has come off."

"Pst, Jacklyn. Did she just say blood?"

"Shh. How are you to defend your Homeland, without any push back?

Sirens, please follow me this way; and get ready for the transformation of your lives."