
"......Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"Wow. I.....I thought that all they did was keep everyone out. Even us."

"Nope. Just cranky and tired saving your sorry butts. Least you can do is say thank you and cut their Hair."

"So now what?"

"Mermaids will continue to cut their hair, and then drop it off at a designated spot for the Bears to pick up."

"Where are the Threads now, and why aren't you with them?"

"I took them to the Tailors. There they will stretch them out, dry them off, and get all the yucky lake smell out. Then they will put it through their Mill; like one folds through Fondant dough, and…."

"Okay. Okay. I don't need the full rundown how hair is turned into shirt."

"When you think about it, everything is hair. We humans call anything that is not on our head, but others; Fur; when all it is is their hair. Human hair can get just as matted as Fur, but you never see us calling it that, do you?"

"Natysh only came to us and made friends out of our fear. Please tell me you have took that a step further."

"Don't worry. By the time you get home, all Mermaids nice or.....cute; will secretly have a Sweatshirt hidden in their Bra."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome.

Space looks to be bigger."

"Looks to be? Honey, this place is like a Mansion now. How many people we expected to come to this thing?"

"The whole Civilization."

"......And...…how many Rainbow Parachutes do we have?"

"One. I mean, I can stretch it, but just like my Uniform; I can't cut it up and then reshape it. It has to stay in one piece."

"Then just make one massive Parachute."

"Or...….many tiny ones."



You're alive."

"Why would I be? I am Chief Medic."


"Darius brought all the Refuggees to me, so while I dealt with all their problems; they took everything from around the ship; stared at our Rainbow mural cause that's all there is and just.....copied it.

I would have loved to talk to them, but I could tell that was an iffy topic. So, I just gave them material and let them have it. They were calm, I was calm; nobody lashed out, and....oooh. Speak of the Devil. Here they come now."

"But we're not ready to present."


"Brittney, why are you bringing us back?"

"To show you who you were...….."


"And taking you to who you are."

"Are you sure we are in the right place? This place...this...…..this....this does not look the same at all. Looks like an actual Emperor's Mansion."


"Just wait till it's loaded up floor to bottom; with food. You can swim in Leftovers."

"You kidding? There won't be Leftovers."

"We....scraped off the top half of each Crate to get rid of that sticky goo, and saved the rest. Why pay homage to who you don't know, when there are many here to feed?"

"I filled a room with it, but now you gotta be diligent to fill the rest."

"Oh. We will, Scarlett. We definitely will."

"This way, whenever you kill from now on; take five percent of that kill and put it in here. Pretty soon, a few months down the line, you won't have to kill anymore. If everybody does that, then there will be more than enough animals left for Lolli to protect you with."

"I still don't get why you have to leave in order for her to come. 

Whoever she is."

"And wherever she is."

"Trust me. It's better that we go, for she is far greater than any of us ever could be."

"Is she stronger?"





"Guys, you're missing the point. 

We helped you grow together. Lolli will help you stay together. She will be the glue that keeps you together."

"I thought Magic was our glue."

"Magic.....is your weapon, but Lolli...…will show you who you are. She will build a personal connection with each..and every...…..one of you. Not a single person will be left out."

"No even one?"

"No, not one. And the best part?"


"She doesn't want to just be your friend. She wants each  of you to be her best friend."

"But how is that possible when she caters to so many friends?"


"We can only be in one place at one time, but she will never ever leave you alone. Whether morning or night. Hightide or low. In and out. She will always hold your hand and lead you where you ought to go. I promise, once she comes; you will never...…ever...…..ever...….see the chains of Bondage again."


"Elwin, why are you giving them false hope? Every human fails."

"Brittney, shh. It's not false hope I give, for I am one of the very few who have seen Loli in person. Tell me, your Hospital was packed when the Rampage happened."


"But then suddenly.....it went down."

"Yes. I promised my family if I ever had free time, I would come; but I never did. Just increased."

"And what was the first thing you did when your Hospitals were no longer full?"

"Ran home as fast as I could. Even beat my starchild Sister to the Door."

"And did you ever once worry, or look back."

"My eyes were only forward."

"And that....Brittney; is why we must go, so she can come. Now do you understand?"

".......I still wish I could've seen Lolli in person."

"Would that have made you calmer? Wrap your mind around the seen from the unseen."



"For if I would have seen, I would've characterized. Stuffed her into my Bubble. All she would have been would be another data sheet entry on my list of Patients."

"Brittney, she is no Patient; but she does possess it.

Look around. What do you see?"

"People dancing around as if a Saviour just came."

"Well, Brittney. That's because she has."