
"Okay, the rest of you help me clean this place up. Make it look presentable."

"Jacklyn, what about these Guns?"

"Elwin didn't burn them all?"

"Take them to her?"

"Wait. May I see one of those real fast? You can take the others."

"You're not looking on firing, are you?"

"Just for an inscription. All Dealers write one.


Okay. Thanks. Here you go. She's right over there. You can't miss her."

"Got it."

"......Why am I always the one who has to make the calls?

Lolli, can you patch me through to Theos Lollibot, please?"

"Take it you're about to do some tough loving? Don't let me stop you. Connecting...now."

"Theo, Buddy; what's up? How have you been?"

"Jacklyn, I know what happens next. This isn't a seasons greetings, is it?"


I'm sorry to confirm your suspicions, but you are correct. I found some Guns here on Nighttera, with the inscription T.G. You....wouldn't happen to know any of that, would you?"

"Questioning my Lolatly?"

"Questioning if Ruby should've saved you or not. Praying you didn't just take advantage of her kindness for your own self-gain."

"What would I be trying to hide? People want Guns, the GodFather gives them Guns."

"How many?"

"He has Depots all over the Universe."

"By Depots, you mean a loyal family like you who is His in and out?

I'm sorry. Do you even know what He was investing in?"

"The Future, Jacklyn. The Future."

"Could you...ask him where his other Depots are? Would really help us out. We never even asked him to give up anything, last time."

"Jack, you know how it works. He's not going to give up information unless he knows what's in it for him."

"What does he want? Ruby may have worked with enemies, but I'm no dummy."

"You seem to know what exactly he was investing in. Care to indulge?"

"GodFather is the same as our Lolli. Without communication, the other Depots will fall."

"Is that what they told you? As always, the Good guys are last behind. Big Brother does their best to catch the Smuggler, and once they realize the Smuggler is too fast, they turn to the Public for help. You guys. You find the 'Bad guy' in less than two minutes, and I am here scratching my head wondering why Big Brother didn't seek the Public's help sooner. It's only a matter of time, Jacklyn. GodFather finds it first, or you do."

"Find what? I didn't tell you anything."

"If you're coming to me for help, you must be racing towards something; and I know Godfather. He doesn't like second place."

"Huuuuhh….whooooo. Never negotiate with Terrorists. Never negotiate with Terroists. Never ne…."

"Jacklyn, negotiation is in your name."

"..........What does GodFather want?"

"In exchange for Information, he wants a girl."

"A Girl?"

"Jack, you know boys. They will do anything to get their princess back, one way or another. She left him one day and never came back."

"On purpose?"

"They separated. He doesn't know where she is, but he does know where she was."

"So, if we agree to Search, he's willing to give us info? That's easy."

"Jack, you don't get it. Even in Prison, people talk. If he finds out you abandoned the Search, he'll change the Search.....on you. He'll tell every one of his Depots to rain fire on you faster than God himself. Shoot on site for disobedience.


You still want to do this?"

"What if we find her dead?"



...She's not dead. She's just missing. When you find her, keep her safe."

"What do you mean? I'm sure she's already safe since nobody has been able to find her."

"She's innocent. You have to believe me. Please."

"Inoocent of what?"

"That's all I can divulge. Just please, promise me. Whatever she says, believe her."

"I'm starting to feel she didn't break up and was being hunted. Forced to feel, promised to come back, but never did."

"It wasn't her fault."

"............Text me all the names."

"So, you'll help me GodFather clear his Wifes name, and bring her home? How can he trust you?"

"..............If I can't find his wife...I'll...….I'll.....I'll be his wife."

"Excuse me?"

"Just get me those names."

".................................................You have Three years!!!!!!!!"

"Wait? You're the GodFather? That means....he's just a Depot. Oh no. We just put an innocent man in prison over you."

"Sorry. I had to."

"You tricked us!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had the whole world fooled. Your friends. Your fake wife. Your fake kids. Your fake job. Your Royals...the World...…...even Ruby. Who wanted nothing but the best for you."

"SecretBearer, keep my secret; or it will be your last. Lolli, end call."

"JACKLYN, DINNERS READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"BE RIGHT THERE...Natysh, if you can hear me; I don't know if I said this already, but why did you choose me?"