
"This isn't how we usually enter Planets, nor reenter. What's up?"

"Trust me. It'll be worth it.

Scarlett, raise shields and cloak. We can't be spotted.

Whoooooo...….'You told me I can choose just one. You never said which.'"

"What are you talking about?"


I got a hot tip on where some Rats are. Whose with me on taking them out?"

"Touching down in three...two...…one.

Cabin doors opening. Cabin doors opening. We're safe to step out."

"You all know your assignments. Just like last. Jake, please assist Jordan in the planting of flowers."

"You're not going to call Frostwing?"

"Rats don't deserve magic. 

Go, go, go."

"Hey. He told us to watch out for the Rainbows, and let Jacklyn pass if we see her; but has anybody ever seen a Rainbow? What even is a Rainbow?"

"Try some. I'll let you taste."


"Freeze breath!!!!"



"Apart of my….finer Statues, if I do say so myself."

"Jacklyn, wait. I was told to..."



"Nightynight. Sleep tight..."

"Don't let the bedbugs bite.

Crab army!!!!!!!!!"


"I see what you did their, Darius."

"And I see what you did there. No more killing? Why the change of heart? Bad guys are bad guys. No need to pick and choose."

"Don't question my judgement."

"Touchee, I am sorry. 

You really need to get some more Z's, in my book. A good night's sleep is not only good for the Brain, but also for the…."


"Fine. I won't kill either.

Crabs, scare them away."

"Aaaaaaaaghhh. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Get your spiny claws offf…




".......I'd say that went well.

Body count?"

"Elwin, unlike you; I don't need to kill them to turn them into a Statue."

"I didn't kill them."

"Shhh. All the men and children are out of ear range."

"And sight range."

"Then it's time to get to work.

Elwin, I'll signal you once I hear the humming."


"Yes, Elwin?"

"Don't you find it strange that it took us all day to find the first one, and Jacklyn has been telling us how hard it will be to find the others."


"And now she magically has found this one without any trouble?"

"...Good luck? Maybe she is honing in on her magic, or  accelerating with the Catscans."

"Maybe....but I have my doubts."

"What are you so mad about? We are now saving lives faster than we did before. I guess our taunts of Jacklyns weak powers have only filled her with motivation to do better. And now we see she has. Stayed up all night practicing, and it paid off."

"Huuuaaankkkkkkkk...…shuuuuuuuuu. Huaaaaaaankkkkk....shuuuuuuu."

"Jacklyn? Ummmm…Jacklyn?

….Scarlett, take her back to the Ship and let her rest, please."

"What if you find something?"

"I'll let you know."

"But what about her?"

"As I said, I'll let you know."