Dogwood Berry

"Ariel, thanks for the Base."

"Don't thank me. Alexa is the one moving the stuff."

"Alone? I'll go help.


Clothes, go help please."


"So, you want a debrief?"

"That would be fitting. Hope you didn't break anything. Still don't know how I feel about a bunch of strangers redecorating my ship."

"Hey, we may decorate the outside, but we all will know who is on the in."

"Yeah. Like the Master of the Wherebears. We had a snow party; he smiled....for once. Even his assistant."


"Sorry. Advisor. Ari, why are they so formal? They are animals after all? Why not use King."

"You're shocked you saw no Lions?"


"Don't worry. You'll see them soon enough. Why the sad face?"

"The first letter in our name is R…..Rescue. We totally abandoned that and went straight to 'Aid.' It's like people don't even see our R. I mean, we brought winter to a world that could never experience none, but….."

"You can't force people aboard, Scarlett. It's one thing to trust someone to help renovate your house, but living together in theirs."

"It'd just be for a few days. We'd be transporting them from their scared environment; sneak them back home...…..and then we too would feel the happiness and joy that those Wherebears were feeling. But...for now, it's just a fantasy. We're no hero. Ruby was the hero. We're just heirs."


"Scarlett, I am receiving something on the Tablet."

"Elwin, it's probably just another aid. People wanting to see if 'we are really real', or just faking. I'm sick of faking."

"This Distress signal is no fake.


It's a Missing person?"

"Missing person? Let me see."

"Hey. Don't break this. Rainbow made no extras."

"Name: Helen.

…Huh? That's odd."


"There is no last name. Just.....Helen."

"Is there a picture?"

"More of a blurry image, I can barely make out. Maybe the last known photo of her?"

"This was usually Rainbows parfait. Why are we studying it?"

"Cause Rainbow is dead."

"Then go to the police."

"I don't think that's an option. In this case file it says that she is the one being hunted."

"Then why are we to help?"

"The one who called in it says his wife is innocent, and he can prove it."

"Innocent of what? Who is calling it in this time.

I'll take that back. There's always a Sender's info and a Receivers."

  'From your good friend…..Theo the Tiger. :) '

"Wait. Theo's wife?

Jacklyn, look. What do you make of this?"

"Huhhhhh. Hmmmm. I don't go as deep as Ruby, but to the best of my knowledge, I take it the Godfather wanted Theo for his services and vast knowledge; but he wanted to save his true family. Sent them away, lied to the Godfather and said he was all alone. Godfather took account, set him up with a new fake family to make him look more natural in the public's eye. We may have saved Theo, but G had to have find his true family."

"Woo. Sounds like you're part of this op as well."

"He is training me. We did get close."

"Guys, Jacklyn is the most trustworthy person as to date. Well....besides you, Elwin."

"No. You're right. We all have gone to her whenever we were down. If his wife is anything like him, we need to find her."

"I'm surprised he hasn't stayed in touch."

"Scar, you live in the deepest depths of Earth, and yet no nothing about safety. You have it all around; we...have very little of it. Didn't want to get caught."

"I understand, but he had to have stayed in touch somehow. Let's ask him. Who's all in favor?"

"I am."

"I am."

"I am."

"Ruby saved Theo. Let's save his whole family."

"I'll start redecorating the rooms. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
