Vine leaves

"Here, Giant, Giant, Giant. Here, Giant, Giant, Giant. Come out, come out wherever you are. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to play with you."


"There you are. No need to hide. I'm not gonna hurt you."



Flee you little…..oh. You're just a Puppy. Sorry. I almost stepped on you. That's why you bit me.


"I heard a girls kiss makes any booboo better. Here, let me kiss you."

"Get…..your… of me."

"Aaaaagh. The puppy speaks."

"Aaaaaaaaghhh. Heeeelppp. I can't fly. I can't...….."


"Are you from the dollhouse too?"


Please, lossen your grip on my body. You're squeezing me."

"Oh. Sorry."

"And to answer your question, no; I am not a Puppy. I am a Wolf, and my name is Wolfgirl. I am a human, not a Doll. See?


"Ohhhh. I see, I see."

"Now, tell me. What are you doing stomping around in my woods, not minding your business. You could accidentally kill somone out here."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Yeah. Well, you don't sound very concinvcing; and what are those? Machete sticks?"


These are called Scissors. I use them to cut dresses for my Dolls with."

"For the last time.....I am NOT…..a Doll."

"No, no. I know you're not a doll. Nor are you a puppy. You're a friend. I mean my Dolls I play with back at home."

"And where is your home?"

"That's what I am trying to find. Jacklyn said the Talking trees and the Giants retreated to the forest when they no longer had Ruby to guide them. Do you know where I might find them?"

"No. And even if I did, why would I tell you? You might….


You might....


…You might mistake them as Dolls as well."

"Here, let me put you on my shoulder. That way, we can look together.

I could never mistake them as Dolls. They are too big."

"And I too small?"

"Exactly. That is why I must find them. I hope you can understand my reasoning now. What is it you humans say? 'Play with someone your own size.'"

"It's actually, 'pick on someone your own size,' but I will settle with play. As long as you do it out outside of my general area."

"Oh. Daddy always fences me in the living room. I know what boundaries are."

"Good. Please keep them."

"As you wish. Show me the Giants, and I shall be on my way."

"Last I saw of them, Ruby used them to attack Elwin."

"She would never."

"I wasn't there, but that's what I heard. When Ruby was stripped from her Seed, the Creatures took off that away...…I think."

"They're not creatures. They're Giants."

"And I'm not your friend."


"Well….not yet, at least. Please don't cry. I'm just saying I can't be your friend, for I know not your name. You don't want me calling  you Giant, my whole life, do you?"



"Then what be your name, pretty girl?"

"My name is Starlight, like the shooting star; for my father made a wish, and it came true."

"Well, you definitely aint no shooting star. You're a giant star.

....One that I would glady call my friend."


"There they are. I see them."


…..Star, hey. Slow down. You want me to dig my claws into you like a cat?"

"But I thought you said you were a dog?"

"Too late.


"HEY, OVER HERE. OVER HERE. My name is Starlight. HEY!!!!!!!!!"

"Didn't your father ever tell you not to run with Scissors?"

"Oh. Sorry.

I'll put them away. Better?"

"....Thank you."

"Why are you Giants scattered here and not on our homeland?"

"Scary Titans, scary Ants."

"He means you guys."

"Math is easy."

"But the Titans are dead. I saw it with my own eyes. Well, I didn't see the front, but this girl was liek wooosh.....woosh.....woosh. She betted the Titans her way, and when all hope seemed lost; she transformed into a Dragon, and burned their booties."

"Just their booties?"

"Let's just say, they will never be able to sit down again. So please, with the threat no longer there; will you come out now?"

".......The Ants have been a lot nicer to us."

"And…they now possess the needs to accommodate our behalfs."

"So, is that a yes?"





"Sorry, Wolfgirl. Didn't mean to fling you like that. Just got so excited."

"I can see that."

"You want to be put down now?"

"And miss my chance of being higher than my brother, Owl? As if. I said I'd help you find them. And now I'll help you lead them home. March of the Ants has commenced. Onward!!!!!!!!!!"

"But I thought you were the ant, Wolfgirl?"

"It's a saying we...…..nevermind. To town we go."


"Jacklyns suit can fit all shapes and sizes, but....I don't think she intended on a category for you. Trust me. There is an amazing Tailor in town, and he turns away no one. I will have you measured, fit, and probed. Then he will send the measurements to Jacklyn who can get you fit in your new dress."

"You'd do that for me?"

".......What are friends for!!!!!!"