
*Knock, Knock*

"I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll.....sing you a lullaby?"

"How they looking in there, Ariel?"

"Darius is asleep at the wheel. I reckon he overpowered the engines so he could sleep faster. Might want to send in a repair team to check them before they go out again. In the meantime; find some people to help me remove them.

...….And get a Stretcher too."


"Shhh. Everything will be fine. You're home.


"What's the Medic for?"

"Shh, shh. Everything's fine."




"We're losing her."

"Not on my watch.


*Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo.


*Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo*


*Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo*


"She'll make it. Get her to ICU, quickly. I'll check on you later, Scarlett. What were you even doing last night?"

"Pehaps I can shed some light on that matter."


"Elwin, what are you...….why weren't you in the Ship?"

"Distress signal.

I can only assume Jacklyn was skating, after Scarlett told her not to. Might want to check on Starlight as well."

"You left Darius all alone?"

"He was close to range. You got them here safely, didn't you?"

"What was so important that you had to leave the safety of the Crew, and only take Frostwing?"

"I didn't just take, Frostwing. I called Lolli for backup. King was hiding out from his Planet. They wanted to stone him for all his evil deeds. Wouldn't be long and they would find him. He found a broken Lolli, and with his last breath; called me. I received the notification, and didn't want to wake the others.I know how direing a hold up can be. That's why me, Frostwing, Deathpetal, and Dragonfrog went in together. Rescued the King, and....."

"Killed the others?"

"No. At the end of the day, they are still his people. Frostwing helped me freeze them all in a ball of slime. They're not going anywhere."

"Why not use Ice?"

"We tried. Those nasty Shapeshifters wouldn't stand still. So, we inked them. Deathpetal held them; Frog inked, and Frostwing and I flew away with the king. Since Frost is the only real Dragon, we thought  it fitting she should be the rescue."

"And where is this King? If the whole planet is all Shapeshifters, how do you know you grabbed the right one?"

"I don't. But the fighting stopped."

"Yeah, cause you inked them."

"King is in Sickbay. I woke Brittany up, and with the help of the Fairies, him stable."

"And you brought him here?"

"Now he can tell us, in safety, why his men were after him. Once he does that, I can send the Rainbows back to negotiate a ceasefire. Problem solved."

"I'm shocked you were able to convince Frostwing not to kill them all."

"That's why I had her part of the extraction team. Nowhere near the lives of others."

"Well, get some rest, you two. Once the others are up and atem, I'll send them out."

"Thank you."

"Do you need anything before you go?"

"They kept screaming, 'Thanks be to Helen. Thanks be to Helen.' I don't know what that was all about."

"Helen did say portals are popping up everywhere. Ruby is no longer the only power at top. For every battery you find, we'll plug it into the Machine to help keep power stable. That way the Generator isn't doing all the work. Might be able to start closing a few before it gets out of hand. This may be the first of many."

"You think sending them back to where they came from is better then killing them?"

"Killing them migh alter all new timelines. Go to sleep now. You've done your job. Let us do ours."