
"Errrwwwwyuuuuaaaaaawwnnnnn. Snaaopp…snaaaaopp....snaaaop…snaaaoppupp

…..What do I need good luck for?"

"Jacklyn, you're awake."

"Why wouldn't I be? Was I asleep?"


"For how long?"

"Long enough."

"What happened?"

".....You disobeyed my wishes, and got hurt."


"Jacklyn, as I said before; we may not know anything about skating, but at least let us watch. You could get hurt on your own. Not only yourself…."

"Errrraaa….ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch."

"But also others."


I had eyes on me all night."

"Starlight doesn't count. She knows nothing about what to look for. Her biggest interaction with humans is Dolls. They don't cry, they don't laugh, they don't tell you that they are hurt...…for they feel no...hurt.

All she detected was that you were tired. Nothing else."

".....I said I was sorry, Scarlett. This time I'll wait until you sand."

"You girls may have to wait on that request. You Rainbows have been summoned."


"By who?"






"Portals opened up on a desolate Planet. Sector 6; two over. The King is in hiding for they have taken over."

"Is it a rescue mission?"

"No. But the King asks for your aid to remove them, before it becomes one."

"Why can't he remove them?"

"Cause he…..doesn't know where they came from. Nor how to put them back. You do."

"Is this our future, now? Clean up Portal Mayhems?"

"No. Your mission is to clean up Portals...…before....they call Mayhems. And you will do that by going to the other side. Ruby is already at the Machine on this end.

Oh, hi Elen."

"Hi, Ariel. Where's Ruby?"

"....As I was saying. Ruby is standing by at the Time Machine on this end, awaiting for you to go to the Time Machine on the other end."

"You want us to go to the future? How? They'll see that we don't belong."

"Use the Imposters as cover. Lead them into the portal, and then once you cross; break off. Helen will show you where her Machine is, and that way we can close this Machine before anything else happens."

"You really think it's that simple?"

"When Lighting strikes a house and everything is plugged in, what happens?"

"They...…automatically turn off; but if you just wait...…they will all turn back on again."

"They were never off, Darius."


"So, I need you to go there and unplug it. She will do the same on this side."

"What about the Machine in the past?"

"You built it in the future to go to the Past. That means there are none that exist there. When you hear the word Time Traveler, do you think of a past...or a future?"

"It would be stupid to have a Past traveler travel to the future, to warn about what already happened in the present."

"Exactly. That's why you need not worry about that era."

"How will we even know who to look for? Unless we are all aliens in the future...….which...we are not; thanks to Helen. How?"

"Helen, your necklace?"


"May I see it?"

"Of course."

"Thank you. 

You will be hunting down escaped Shapeshifters."


"In Helens timeline, the Wizardry school went to the future, not One Pearl."

"But we already destroyed all these Necklace losers."

"And...…killed the Wizard in the process."

"Then this shouldn't be a problem for you."


".......How'd they get out? I mean, I know how they got out, but only Helen was able to go through the last one. Someone had to hold the Portal open this time for everyone else to go through. So...who let them?"

"And why?"

".....You should focus more on the how.

I've already added some nice decal to your Ship, and all your uniforms should be pressed, set, and ready to mesh. All they need now is a body."

"Thank you."


"Hey, what gives?"

"Elwin, the King you rescued was a fake. His name is Brian. Stephanies boyfriend. He left her by the Cave all those years ago because he was scared out from a Dragon. Vowed to return to her one day, so with his powers; he only improved. That heart...…you have in his doing. Presented it to Stephanie in the future; as his way of saying the ultimate forgiveness. And she genuinely thought he had changed. Gotten stronger, and nicer. Even fell for him again. Their is nothing he wouldn't do for her. Stphanie went back in time to warn her youngerself, but then realzied the best protection is to stay side by side. He's back for round three. Stephanie dumped him, Jewels dumped him again; he does not plan on being dumped a third time. Convinced a few fellow loyal friends of his to jump back in time; create a fake hostell, and draw you out. Planned on having you lead him straight to her. 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times; oh no rewind.' So, that's what he did."

"And you just let him go back to them?"

"You asked to know why someone would hold the door for the others. I gave you your answer. I wouldn't worry about the Stephanies. 

Now go, before they leave you here."