
"Boys are one thing, and one thing only."


"And looks like his trouble follows him everywhere he goes."

"I asked you a question. Will you respond, or do we have to use force?"

"Calm down. Calm down. We're the good guys. Sent here by King Rolan to help get rid of some.....Rats… have crawling around."

"Lower your weapons.

...We didn't call an exterminator. How do we know you aren't one of them?"

"Do you see anybody else in self-changing uniform?"



"Oh. I...….good point."

"Now will you let us go, so that we can do what we were called here for."

"Of course. This way, Rainbows."

"Thank you. So when do you think they first appeared?"

"And from where?"

"Who knows? They came from all over. We know not who they are or what they want. We don't even know how to distinguish them."


"Hey, hat's my necklace. Give it back."

"Not until you tell us what we want to know."

"Rainbow, what are you doing? He's one of us."


"What the?"

"Without his magic necklace, he's none of you.

Seize him."

"...You heard the Lady."

"Hey. Let me go. Let me go."

"Sir, here you go."

"What's this?"

"That does not matter. All that matters is now you know how to find them. We scoped out your land, so if you find a Heartshape necklace like this, you know what to do. Take off their Necklace, and herd them into a…..cattle Pen. 


"We'll take over from there."

"Take them back to once they came?"

"Take them back to once they came."

"Well, that's the plan at least. We're still working on the execution; but I promise…..we'll work faster."

"Thank you. All of you."

"Now, last we used the Necklace, it could only give you one power of that person you wanted to be. With them being Shapeshifters, I don't know if that entails just their body....or that person's powers as well; so be on your guard."

"We will.

Okay everyone. Weapons to stun. Maybe now we can use these Guns the Godfather keeps sending us."

"Did he just….."

"We should get moving too. Brian's friends or no friends, they could be dangerous."

"Yes, Helen."


"So suit up. I reckon the Sun's rays have melted the slime by now, but if we hurry we might get lucky."


"So....any chance I just walked through Mud and not Frog's boogers? Asking for a friend."


"Good luck washing that off."

"It's easier to wash clothes then it is a body. Sweatshirts from here on out."

"Yes, Elwin."

"Yes, Elwin."








"Uhoh. I think I zipped too tight.

*Zip, zip, ziiiiip*

Aaaaah. That's better."

"Wrist Blaster."


"Helen, what the hell are you  even shooting at?"



"There were a few hidden in the trees. Thought they were snakes, but knew better. Grab their necklaces before they slither away."

"I guess we're on Fetch duty.


I'll be taking that."

"Hey. We were just….."

"Playtime's over. Time traveling is not a gameto be taken lightly."


"But traveling is not a game."

"Then act that way. I should have you reprimanded instead of just sent back, but despite my better judgement…"


".......I will detest."


"For now.

...….Now move it Sheep. Go, go, go. Faster."



"Jacklyn, if that is really who you turn into in the future....God help us all."

"......The Dragons aren't very helpful… Dropfarra."

"That's because they're not…"

" 'Two packs of Loaves. Twenty pack of Eggs, and ten.....'

Excuse me, Ladies. You said, Dragon?"

"Are you dead, kid. I said Dragons."

"With an S?"

"Yes. Do I need to speak louder for you too? 

I didn't think so. Now, as any good gentlemen, you should not be eavesdropping."

"Sorry. Won't happen again."

"See to it that it doesn't."

"Yes, Ladies."


"...Now that's a thought. She wants me to bring back groceries for lunch, but what if I bring her a prepared Dragon Heart Soufley, instead? Then she'd me.

I wonder why the Dragons are in Dropfarra though. Last time they were there is because......…huhhhhhhh…

Natysh is having her Baby.

Why did nobody attack them now? It's the pertune time."

"Sir, wait. Your groceries. Your…"

"Oh shoot. Thanks.

If nobody is going to capitalize on this venture, then I will. I mean, I was able to kill a Dragon last time. What could possibly make this so different?"


".....I'll tell you why this is different. We're being used. Mocked. Ridiculed of our powers. I want to go home. I'm tired, I'm wet, I'm covered in gree, and I forgot to take a shower."

"Scarlett, that last one is on you."

"I know."

"No. It's literally on you. Hold still. You got a Snake crawling over you."

"Where? Where? Where?"

"I said…..hold still. 


.....There. It's removed."

".....And soon........… will be removed. Mark this day in history, boys. It's time for Sir Knight to get his second Dragon kill. I got you in my sight now."