
"You can open your eyes now."


"You sure?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"


"Then open your eyes.

And Helen, what did you warn me not to be frightened about? I am afraid of no man, and no thing."

"It's not a thing...…..nor is it a man."


Is that a.....that's......….Jacklyn, when I told you to go back in time to find me a Unicorn, I meant an alive unicorn."

"In my defense, you never specified.

…...But......…..before you get all mad, I have an idea. Dragonheart."




"Uhhhhmmmmm...while you two keep on saying 'Dragonheart', we are going to check in on the remainder of our crew. Make sure our Ship is still here, cause I left a few valuables that I don't want the locals taking."

"So......can you revive her?"

"Bodies die, Jacklyn."

"I know, but hearts and souls...


......Beat on."


"How badly do you want that Unicorn?"


"Yes, Ma'am."

"Thank you."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......…You're welcome."

"You can go now."

"If I may, before that juice goes out; could you send me to the future?"

"You might not make it."

"I know. Just...a timeline with Stephanie in it, makes me….."

"Like all others? You always will continue to seek what you cannot have? No matter how many times you get rejected?"

"Exactly. I realize my mistake. But promise me."


"Don't let this version of me make that same mistake."

".....That's up to Stephanie to decide.


It might not be accurate, and I might send you four years before the time you leftt, but…."

"That's fine. All the years melded together anyways. That's what happens when you are lonely.  I couldn't tell you the day it is even if I wanted to. Adios, mi Familia. Take care, and remember...…to always be there."

"Is it sad that he's starting to grow on me?"

"I'm still right here."



"Oops. Now you're not."


"Guess I should watch where I jiggle."

"And...…closing portal. Powering down, and recharging.

Good work, Starlight. I know what you did."

"How do you.....Ariel."

"And you Stephanies...."

"I mean, you can't fail twice...….can you? Hopefully they learn their lesson."

"I wasn't talking about them. I was congratulating you two. You may have stepped over each other's toe a time or two, but never did you stub."



"You're welcome.

...…Now, let's see if we can properly thank the Unicorns for the sacrifices they gave."

"You really think you can meld the two?"

"I'll try. Just to be safe, I'll take her to the Gardens so that if anything goes wrong, she can't destroy anything."

"And maybe you'll be able to find out what that Shadow was down there that scared my kids."

"Woo, woo, wooo. One thing at a time."

"Yes, Ruby."

"Now get out of here, both of you. You're lucky to be alive."