
"No need to show off. I know you are just dying to tell me how much better you are at creating a real life sentient Carpet compared to Jackln's cloned clothes."

"I'm not here to boast tonight. Tonight is all about you."

"Thank you."


"Here we go."

"This Carpet is made out of Dragon skin, so unlike hair for Jacklyns, this is one solid flexible piece instead of two. It can rip, shred, and tear through anything. Wanna test it?"

"I thought you said you wouldn't boast?"

"I wasn't boasting. Just.....showing off my new car. Don't worry; no Dragons were harmed in the making of this. I just took their shreddings."

"Did they let you?"

"....Surprised you didn't ask where.

You know, you and I aren't that different. We are the same underneath, Stephanie. Unlike anything nobody else has seen. We are Rogues. The very essence of kicked out Unstables. Stronger, faster, and more adequate than the twelve Kids. There are so few of us left. We need to stick together for the greater good. One Pearl is not your family. While they honor their past; who is going to honor the Wizard?"

"We are."

"What was that?"

"I said, 'We are."

"I still can't hear you."


"Then what do you say we go get Jacklyn and remind her why she is so unstable."

"I love getting the band back together."

"That's my girl.

I know a Lake that Scarlett just so happened to freeze over. If she's not there, then she's on the ship. All.....alone!!!!"

"Well. She won't be alone for long."

"You read my mind.

  Carpet, is there room for one more?"


"What was that?"

"Uhhhhh....a surprise?"


"You know I don't like those.

There. There. I saw one. 

Doesn't look like a Dragon."

"..........Cause it's a Unicorn. Come on, let's follow it. He'd look great as a carpet.


Hey, why are you grabbing my shoulder? Stop it. You're turning me into a…"


"Thank you. I don't want to revert back to being a youth just yet."

"Then can we just go see Jacklyn?"

"Will that make you happier, than me making you your own Carpet?"


".......Fine. You scan left, I scan right."

"You didn't steal the eyes of Ariel? I'm sure she wouldn't have minded. She has so many. You only need one to see the past and future."


"Oops. I...….Did I just....say that out loud?"

"I knew there was still some bad in you. 'Once a Bully, always a bully.'"

" 'If you stop, you will fall.'"

" 'Then don't hit the wall.'"

" 'But if you do, SPLAT......whose blood is that?' "

" 'I don't know, cause I'm out the door.'"

" 'See you later, Four score.'"


Feel better?"

"I will when I have my third arm."

"Best start getting it out now. There she is. 

Baby Hippo; go, go, go."

"Just don't strangle me with your tail."


Oh when my parents see me now. They will be so proud. Their little girl, all painted whirl, in twirls, curls, and bowtie swirls. Round and round, I do flow; where I go, nobody goes. But when I stop, my dad…..


...….Doesn't....let me...drop.


Can I....help you, Hippo?"

"It's me, Stephanie.


Woo, woo, woo. No need to run. You know how dogs are and their water. You're not going to die. He's just clearing the ice for us to chat. All six us heads."


"What...…uhhh.... can I do for you, Stephanie and Brian?"

"I heard we are the last. The Travelers abast. From Rogues, to Gold, to Bullies with pierced toes; we rule the day we die. But you...…..you left us."

"I did not."

"You may not be a Bully, but you are a Rogue. Come on. Show us that dashing smile of yours. It was so pretty before. You can't hide who you are. Was it you who said you are ready to step out? No more hiding.

Well...…..then let's step out. What do you say?"

"I say...….if you do anything to mess up my dance with my Parents, then I'll do more than just leave. The Party Fails told me something would interfere with my dance. I pray that's not either of you. Now, if you wouldn't mind; please bring the Ice back, Brian; so that I may practice."

"......As you wish."