"In position?"
"In position."
"Maestro, que the music."
"Jacklyn, are you ready? Just like we practiced."
"Just like we practiced?"
".....Just like we practiced."
"Ruby, hold up."
"What is it?"
"I heard something. It sounds like….a."
"Starting gun, up. On your marks, get set...."
"Ruby, get down; there are too many of them."
"Can you just freeze them in their tracks until we know what to do with them?"
"Which ones? They keep coming from everywhere. It's like they....."
"Are made out of thin air. Their dances are so gracefull, their moves so smooth. Give it up for the Clouds. Nowhere on the Ice is safe from their footwork. They not only control the narrative...they are the Narrative. As if they control the wind themselves."
"Jacklyn, you're doing great, honey. I don't know where or how you practiced, but I am glad you got here. Thanks."
"You're welcome. I wouldn't miss dancing with you for the world. In fact…..I would turn back time just to relive this moment over and over again."
"You sound ambitious as if you were waiting for this moment your whole life."
".....You have no diea."
"Pst, May I butt in?"
"Hey, mom. There is more than enough space. Ready for our finale?"
"Only if you are.
....Remember, lead with your left, not your right. Jacklyn's weak foot is her right."
"What are you two talking about?"
"Nothing, Honey. Just discussing who will lead first and who will sour."
"Oh, I see."
"....What do you all see?"
"Evelyn, what are you doing here? I told you to stay with Teo and the others. We got this."
"Is this what you define as…..got this?"
"Just a rift, nothing more. An army has come through so we are waiting to get close enough to close it."
"Then why haven't you moved?"
"Evelyn, stay behind cover."
".....Welp, if she's jumping in...so are we."
"Jacklyn, you...this is totally not like my team when I coached them back with my Dad. At least then they used their heads and not their fists.
...…..Wait for me, I'm coming."