
"Just like that they kicked you out?"

"What do you care, Jacklyn?"


"Sorry. It's not your fault. Well, it is that we are here but it's not. It's really our own....."


"Nevermind. Now that we can't get back into 'The 26'....where do we go?"

"I don't know. It feels like I just woke up with a Migraine and need to lie down."

"Maybe we should ask someone."

"Look, there is someone now. I'll tap on his shoulder."

"Ariel, wait...that guy looks.....


"Can I help you?"

"We are….."

"Oh...…ohhh….ohhh. Sorry, ddin't recognize you all covered in....you tried to go swimming again, didn't you"

Didn't expect you girls to be back so soon."


"Sir, my name is.....Theo?"

"Yea, Ruby, that's my name. Now the field report."

"The what?"

"The very thing I sent you in to do. You work for me. I sent you in on a two day hunt. The flowers…their lifeblood…where are they? You did find them didn't you? Or…..were you too busy falling in Puddles and getting lost."

"Sir, I'll have you know that what you think you know isn't what you know, so what you think...…..isn't what happened....Sir."

"Speaking back to me, Darius? You know the rules."

"Wait, wait, wait."

"Ariel, move. He needs to be punished."

"I won't let you hurt the one who rescued me."

"Haaaa. This little shrimp...…rescued….you? How? Did he give you a kiss to make your memory useless and forget your place?"


"Idiots. All of you. Your emotions always get the best of you. Rest, and I'll figure out how to deal with you tomorrow.

I'll assemble another team in your absence to clean up your mess. Hopefully they will find the FlowerPatch."

"......It's not out front."

"So, you did find something?"


"Speak up, girl, we don't have all night. Ruby, if you tell then I will make your punishment…less severe."

"It was actually all of us who found this out."

"Ruby, what are you doing? We don't even know what he's talking about."

"Shh, I do.

Yes, Theo, we don't know where the Patch is…but we know where it's not."

"Finally, someone who understood the assignment. Well, where are they?"

"That's the thing. I...…we...….don't know. They moved them."

"Every last one?"

"Every last seed."

"To where?"


"Where, girl...WHERE!!!!!!!!!"

"Get your hands off of her."


"Know your place, Evelyn. Rein put me in charge and all of you are just pets to me. He said I can find out information…..anyway....I want....and I can do it....anyway...I want. Don't forget it."

"You...you hurt me. I'm....I'm bleeding."

"Darius, can you.."

"What.....are you doing, Kid?"

"I think he's trying to use his powers, sir."


Listening to that little tiny voice in your head again, Kid. Look at Ariel. Don't be like her. You will follow your voice to your grave......….YOUR...GRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, Ruby. Tell me all that you know."

"......Help Evelyn up first and bandage her wounds, then I will talk."

"You.......get her up."

"Yes, sir."

"There, happy. Now will you tell me?"

"..........They are in a Cave. I don't know where but I saw one of the Princesses taking them away."

"......Princess, Rainbow.

….That's where the Mediator is so that must be where the flowers are too."

"Sir, Candyland is guarded by Dragons. There is no way in or out. We would need someone that can blend in and help interact with the Locals. Someone they would least expect."

"Someone like......

Where'd they go?"

"Sir, over here...…they're getting away."

"Oh no, they're not. They know."

".........What do we know? Ruby, why are we running?"

"I'm running….not you."

"You'd leave us? Why? What's more important then....."

"The flowers!!!!! You know where they are?"

"Of course I know where they are. I helped her hide them."

"Then we need to go back."

"AFTER THEM!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I don't think that's a good idea. In here."

".......Why's it not a good idea?"


"Here mousey, mousey, mousees.

I don't want to hurt you. Just tell me where the Flowers are and I will take you all back. I promise. Scouts honor."

"We have Beast Hunters chasing us. We have Theo on our tail, and now you want to add Dragons to the mix?"

"I thought you said you were friends with Rainbow?"

"If that's true, then she will help us. Theo said they are the lifeblood. I know the Little tiny voice in my head is real…it's just...tired. The flowers could wake us."


"But, Ruby. You can't have them all for yourself. Why don't you trust us?"

"I SAID, NO!!!!!!!!!!!


"There you are."

"Girls, Darius, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just....can we talk about this another time?"

"Henry, cut off their escape. There is nowhere you can run now."

"Head for the cliffs."


"Trust me."

"Ruby, you don't trust us, why should we…"

"Just do it. There is a lake at the bottom."

"Ruby, I can't swim. I can't….



"Henry, you got them?"

"..........No. Just one of their stupid shirts."

"Theo is not going to be happy with us."

".....Who said we're gonna tell em."




"YEA......WE'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!"

"................Is everyone ok? Sorry about the jump into the River. Ariel, you…."

"I'm good. Don't touch me."

"Maybe it's best if we all split up. It'll be harder to track. Come morning....I hope we all get our answers...for everyone's sake…..one way or another."