
"Roller Coasters don't just disappear."

"...Do you believe me now, Ariel?"

"Maybe we're just in a tunnel?"

"Is that a Question or Statement?"


"Statement!!!!!! Definitely Statement!!!!!!!!"

"Wahoooo. Now this is what I call flying through the air."

"What happens when we land?"



"I can't get free. I can't...The seatbelt is.....*blurb, blurb, blurb, blurb*.......stuck."

"Ok, Ariel, It's all on us to free these kids. Deep breath in...….deep breath out. We are Mermaid. We are one with the sea. We are....



"Ariel, it was an honor. I don't know you personally, but.....thanks for the kiss.


"You'll have plenty of time to daydream later.





What...…..what happened? How'd you...…"

"We're saved."

"We're saved."

"We're saved."

"We're saved."

"We're saved."

"We're saved."

"We're saved."

"You.....saved us all?

*Bloob, bloob, bloo, bloo, bloop*


Last time I saved you."

"Call it returning the favor."

"I....don't remember punching your gut to get you to wake up.

Where are we?"

"You're welcome."

"Oh, uh….thank you."

"From the looks of it…we're lost."

"Way to be blunt."

"But......we're alive, so that's all that matters.

Nothing but water and blue skies for miles around. Seems we are the only ones here."

"Better here than the bottom of the Ocean."

"Agreed. We'll take heed of what we have and try to scavenge what we don't."

"When did you turn from little girl to girl scout?"

"When I rescued you."

"I.....where even are we?"


"I guess we're about to find out.

...What'd you find, Kid?"

"I can't make it out but…..here. 

Looks like we weren't the first here."

"What's it say?"

"Hold on, let me read.


….It says...…..Welcome to...….Paradise…..Island!!!!"

"What do we do now, Ariel?"
