
"We can't give up hope, Darius. We will find these kids homes, and we will…..get back. I just...….have to figure out what happened here, first."

"All I see is rubble, rubble


...and more rubble.

Whoever was here before us sure left in a hurry."

"Stop kicking things. I know you're still upset but now you're making a scene in front of the other kids. Do you want them to lose hope as well?"

"We're surrounded by nothing but water. Last I checked, none of us can transform into boats, have seen boats, or even know what we're doing."

"That's it."

"What's it?"

"We'll build a boat."

"Out of what? There are no trees, no structures, just sand and rubble. As they say, one rubble spells only trouble."

"But two rubble spells work on the Double."

"I don't think that's what the quote is."

"I don't care, I am making the rules.

HEY KIDS, Who wants to get out of here?"


"The first to collect the most interesting, beautiful things and bring them back to the Shore…..wins. The Bigger the better., go, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ariel, what's the Prize the Winner gets?"

"First you have to win to find out. Now, go, go, go.

AND MAKE HASTE. You're already behind.

...…Huaaaaah, I wish I had something to eat about now."


"....Did someone say Eat?"

"Ooooo....yes please. I can smell the Cake already. Gimme, gimme, gimme."


How'd I do?"

"If it tastes as good as it looks then I give you an A+, Ruby."

"Most appreciated. 

Shall we eat?"

"We shall."

"........Thank you, Jade. This meal is amazing."

"See, we're not all bad.

You uhh….you got a little's a Napkin."


So, now that I am recovered, what can I expect when I walk out of here?"

"What's the opposite of a Butterfly?"


"Look, I can see a smile already. Keep that smile and you will surely keep your head and get out of here. 

If you can draw your friends, I will take them to the Info control and we'll find them. Wherever they are."

"....Why are you helping me?" What makes me special?"

".....I don't know. I guess you just look different."

"......Doesn't different, scare people?"

"Absolutely, but we all need an adventure."

"So, that's all I am? An adrenaline rush?"

"Evelyn, I...….please come back here and sit down. You can't find them alone."


".......I asked nicely."


"That's my girl. 

First thing you need to know is everyone here is on an adrenaline rush of their own. 


...…..It's not a bad thing. Nobody here is athletic like Candyland, but we are very very helpful...…..sometimes too helpful.


...Like, sometimes they will think with their heart and not their brain which will get them in trouble every single time. Does that mean they are Loyal Knights? No. It just means that no one here knows what to do, let alone how to do it. You can ask them a simple question and with no rules it means no discipline which means...…..


.....Brain hasn't developed. They mean well, just....are bad at execution."

"You mean they regret leaving?"

"With no sense of right or wrong, they regret nothing."

"How come you and this Hotel have brains? Does the Infocenter have brains?"

"The Info center is the brain. It tells people what to do and they do it.

As for me and the hotel...…


....I taught them to think, for I was taught."

"By who?"

"Too many questions. If you keep asking, your brain will turn to jelly and just.....*Boom*. 

No need to overthink."

"Chilax is your motto?"

"It's not a motto when it's a way of life.'

"Then how do you escape?"

"Now that's.....a good question."