"What the?"
"Jacklyn, where are you? You told me to fight this Dragon head on but I didn't think you meant it. Feels like you kinda sent me out here to die because all I am doing is running around like a Dragon biscuit. Was this your revenge to make me see what I did sending all those Elements as I ran off? If so.....I have learned my lesson.
But I would really like to skip detention right now if you don't mind. I can't...…..
Faster wind, faster."
"Calm down, Ruby."
"Jacklyn? Where….where are you? I can't see you."
"You're not supposed to, now calm down. Flying a kite is a whole lot easier than flying a human?"
"What about the earbud controllers I gave...….oh yea. That didn't exist."
"Just....don't look back. I will try to control you."
"Where are you taking me?"
Is the Dragon on your tail?"
"Yes, why do you...…oh. Dragons are too big to control as Kites so you used me as Dragon bait to lure him away from the City. When will your games end. If you can't trust me, just drop me."
"Wait, wait, I didn't...….aaaaaaaghhhhhh!!!!!"
"Is the Dragon still behind you?"
"More like above me.
Jacklyn, I will have you know I don't much like water. When a plant has too much too drink, it doesn't swim."
"I know......….it drowns."
"No, you can't do this to me agai...aaaaghhh."
"........Toilet works. I still wonder how they made it all the way on this Dormant island?"
"I...I don't think they made it alone?"
"What'd you just step on, Ariel?"
'P.A.R.A.D.I.S.E Island.
-Pleasure, approval, rest, attention, detox, intimate, slow, escape.
"Paradise island huh? More like tornado alley." What happened here?
"I...…think I know."
"Whooooo, made it to a Beach. Sand….at…..last.
And so did he…..
Jacklyn, I hate you for taking my powers. How much longer do I need to be bait?"
"Run towards the X."
I see it."
"Darius, I found a board that says home to Max Crystal. The purest form in all the land."
"I thnik that sign forgot to say 'home to Ruby'"
'Cause there she is.
Darius, we're saved.
Kids, we are saved…we are...….