
"How will I know when I am ready?"

"What if I don't see it?"

"What if I miss it?"

".........You'll know."

"Wait, wait, you.....

And they're gone."

"You're not gone, you're right here. I can see you."

"How can you.....ohhh, you're not talking about me."

"....Go away, Twig."

"But Darius, I brought you food. You must eat."

"I said...…go away. Just let me…..hide in my cocoon under my pillows."

"But it's your birthday."

"And you talk too much. What's your point?

You're just a failed science experiment I made for Homeroom class and look where it got me. Everyone laughed, kicked me out and all my friends left. 

'People are afraid of what they do not know'

Like, what does that even mean? I am not an alien. Am I?"

"No sir, you are not an alien. You are just...…..tired.

I'll come back later to tuck you in, and will tell your parents not to check in on you."

"Twig, wait. That's not what I..."

"Woo, woo, this didn't…I don't remember...Twig? I built him?"

"Your first real friend. You said if you couldn't find one, you'd make did, but it cost you all your real friends to do it."

"What ever happened to Twig?"

"Follow him and find out."

".........Didn't want his birthday cake?"

"No cake for the alien."

"I'll take it then."




"Eat? Ohhhh...….ohhhhh. 

Yeah, I'll go talk to him.

*Knock, knock*

Darius, it's me…your dad. May I come in?

...…..*Knock, Knock*


....................I'm coming in.

Now Darius, I know you're upset but today is your Birthday. If not for you can you do it for...…..



No, no, no. Darius, where'd you go?


...Darius, are you in here?"




....I hope."

"Why can't he find me? I am under the blankets. I saw myself cover up."

"You Dreamwalked."


"You're getting your memories back, that's good. You know Ruby."


I meant look…there's a ruby in my bed where I was sleeping. 

Let's see if we can touch it."

"Hurry, your dad is about to look around."

"Please be solid. Please be solid. Please's solid."



"What the?"