4. ''UNKNOWN''

The first sentence she made was such nonsense and funny like this. "I don't understand?" Said the receptionist. Beren raised her tone a little more. "Someone entered my hotel room, it may be a pervert. Can you check the footage?'' The receptionist was surprised at what he heard, not knowing what to answer, and instead of answering, he hurriedly dialed a place on the corded phone, then held the phone to his ear. Beren was trying to keep herself calm, she started listening to the employee on the phone. ''Can you connect Security Chief? Yes, someone says a pervert entered her room.'' Said the receptionist. Then he turned to Beren and asked, "What was your room number, ma'am?" "615." Beren replied simply. After talking a little more on the phone, the receptionist turned back to Beren. "Our security guards are checking, ma'am, if you want we can offer you a coffee. Please get relaxed a little. They'll come here soon with consequences. '' Beren, after confirming the receptionist with her head, sat down in one of the sofa in the large hall where the reception was located. Soon, her coffee arrived, but she didn't care much.

While Beren was watching the foams on the coffee fading out one by one, she was wondering who had taken the photographs. Could Jae In have taken it? Someone he sent? This move would be very stupid because they had already backed up a few copies of all the photos. Han Jae In was not too naive to don't know that either. He was also smuggling drugs, laundering money, hiring illegal sex workers, and gambling sometimes... No matter how much Beren thought, she could not come to a conclusion. Who could it be? Why would someone do that? Another reason for that person could not be Jae In is was because he was too rich. He would give the money and he would be saved. Why would he take a risk by entering a room with a door that cannot be easily opened in a security hotel with cameras? Beren, didn't think Jae In would go into this trouble.

As she continued to grapple with her thoughts, an unknown man sat next to her. Beren had no power to deal with him, so, she doesn't looked that way. He would probably tell Beren that she was beautiful and somehow shift the subject and ask for her number, it wasn't something that not happened. This is how some fuzzy men did. But the man asked unexpectedly, "Are you okay?" to her. Beren could not understand this question and turned to the man.

When she saw the man, she was impressed by his beauty, but she did not want to admit it even to herself. She still thought the man had one goal, and baceuse of that she'll approached him with an attitude.

Yet, she began to examine his face involuntarily. The man's face was small, but his features were sharp. He had parted his hair in half. He was glancing at Beren very closely, with a slight smiled slight surprised expression. It was so close that Beren even could clearly spot the mole under his strawberry lips.

She tried to focus her eyes to his eyes and changed the inappropriate thoughts in her mind quickly. She thought like 'Why did he look so tidy and good at 4 in the morning?' just as it's the only thing important right now.

Beren stood back uncomfortably as she wanted to have distance with him. The man must have realized that he was disturbing her, while still watching the woman he slid himself back on the sofa with both hands in his pockets. His stance was very innocent and childish. Beren thought there was no harm could come from this man.

"Excuse me?" Beren replied in Korean. The man said, "I heard your conversation at the reception and I wondered. You must be scared, are you okay? '' He repeated. Beren said, "Ah, yes I'm fine. Thank you. '' She cut it short. She thought the conversation was over and waited for the man to go away, but that didn't happend.

"Perverts all around these days, take care of yourself! If we are not even safe in such a hotel... '' Even though the man was harmless, he was beginning to babble. The inside of Beren's head was already a place of chaos, not in a very patient moment. She couldn't help getting angry. Beren said, "Yes, I will. You can mind your own business. '' After reproaching, part of her back turned to the man and she took a sip of her coffee.

The man was not very disappointed. He had already figured Beren out, he had come to her knowing how she would react. What he did was actually check the pulse. He was sure that he broke Beren's mentality now, this was something which he liked to do. So this man was not fuzzy, he was stiff and cold contrary to Beren's predictions. He just pretended to be. He was running his operation clandestinely, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to enter Beren's room and take the photos in such a safe hotel, as he said.

Countless foxes wandered in his mind...

Rather than bothering Beren any more, he took a sip of his coffee too and started reading one of the random magazines on the table. There was a frivolous grin on his face.

After a few minutes of silence, the Chief of Security landed at the reception and after whispering something in Beren's ear, they walked away from the reception. Taking another sip of his coffee, Min didn't feel worried about it at all, he was not in a hurry. He even dared to talk with Beren about this issue, as if he hadn't done it himself after stealing the photos. He was sure that they could not find him. Because of being a cop for years, he was very experienced. He didn't left any trace behind him and he had no doubt about that.

But there is something even Min doesn't know was, there were another person who sneaked into the case which happened in front of the reception, Han Jae In bodyguard Kim Nam Seon.