Fated To Die

New pov:

Fate did not like me too much. I was destined to be a bodyguard for the town mayor's daughter ever since we were young. If only her personality was as calm and beautiful as she looked.

I was always told I was average. The only thing that I had to my advantage was my talent for cultivation. Anyways we were standing in front of one of the most famous cities in our country. Everyone was nervously waiting for the announcer to describe the contest to us. \

Even though the mayor's daughter, Yang Hua, didn't look worried at all, I could tell just how scared she was. She always clenched her hand whenever she was nervous or scared.

"Are you ready for this?", I whispered to her. "Of course I'm ready. I'm more worried about my own bodyguard dying. I wouldn't be able to show my face in the city!", she answered hastily. Another clue on just how nervous she was.

"Yeah there's no way the beautiful and powerful Yang He would EVER be scared of a simple contest.", I said smirking. Instead of giving me a huge lecture she just silently glared. I only get to do this in public or else she would yell for hours at me.

"Today you will be stranded in a pocket dimension for one week!", the announcer, well, announced. "In this pocket dimension any crime you commit will not follow you to the outside world! And there will be secret treasure around for you to find! We will start in ten minutes!", he again announced.

This actually made me nervous. I looked around and saw some shady men all around the participants area. All these people probably go in here to commit any crimes they want! It disgusted me, but most of all it made me worry for Yang. It looks like she's clenching her fist even harder than before.

Even though I hate to admit it. I do care for her, even if it was her birth that forced this fate upon me, it's not her fault. Sometimes I wonder how we would be if we both met in the same circumstances.

"Lets go.", she said seriously after the announcer teleported us into the pocket dimension. The dimension itself was normal. It had mountains and a forest. Fortunately we were teleported together. That's when I heard someone talk.

"Hello there.", the man said simply. I was immediately suspicious of him. What kind of man walks in a purple half dress? "Who might you be weirdo?", Yang asked. She probably didn't see him as much of a threat as I did.

"My name is Funny, and I wish to be in a companionship with you. Trust me I have no bad intentions. After all, all we're aiming for is to survive. We don't need to fight each other." , he said reassuringly. I still had my hand on my sword in case yang asked me to cut him down.

"Well I suppose you're right. If you mean no harm then I'll allow you to follow us, but be sure to pull your weight!", she said demandingly. I wanted to object, but I didn't know anything about the man myself.

"I understand that you don't trust me, so I'll take the lead. This way I'll be in your line of sight.", he said trying to gain our trust. How can he trust us so much? We could cut him down, but yet he willingly made himself vulnerable.

"Well then where are we heading?", I asked Yang. "W-well obviously over there." she said pointing into a random direction. Looks like she was planning on breaking her calm demeanor once we were alone, but the man's presence stopped her.

The man, or "Funny", kept leading the way. After some minutes of walking and avoiding demons, we came across a fight. Men with leather armor were fighting other cultivators, for what seemed to be a fruit of some type. I knew it was a bountiful qi fruit. "Let's join the fight!", Yang said with a huge grin.

As much as I hate this part of her, it can't be denied that she's a battle maniac. Whenever she's cooped up in her father's estate, she always tries to fight. Besides make up and reading, it was one of the few things her father let her do. Sadly I had to be the victim of all three. Every night that I go to bed with red lipstick, a headache, and a bruised body I always curse her father.

She quickly started to fight one of the men in leather. I knew I didn't have to worry about her too much, but I still covered her. The fight went on until there were only five of us. We were all tired and wanted nothing more than to leave. That's when someone made a horrifying discovery.

"IT'S GONE!!!", one of the cultivators yelled. "Shut up moron! What went missing!", one of the guys in leather yelled back. The cultivator ignored his insult and said, "The fruit! The qi fruit is gone!".

I looked up the tree it was last on, only to realize he was right. It was completely gone. "Wait it's right here!", said a female cultivator. It was sitting on the root of the tree. The only problem was that it didn't have any qi in it!

"Someone must've taken all the qi from the fruit when we weren't looking!", Yang yelled. But how? How can someone take the qi from a fruit? And why take the qi and not just steal it?

That's when I realized something was missing. I didn't know what, but something was definitely missing. "Hua! The man we were with is completely missing!", I yelled at Yang. I obviously couldn't say her given name in public.

"What! But didn't he say he wasn't going to fight us!?", she said outraged. He did promise to fight us, but he never said he wouldn't steal from us. "So you're saying one of your little bitch companions stole from you!? Just goddamn hilarious!", screamed the last man in leather.

"We just met him! We didn't know he was going to do this!" , Yang retorted. "Why don't we just look for him together?" asked the last female cultivator. "Are we seriously gonna work with the people who we tried to kill, Shu?", asked the last male cultivator.

"Think about it! We could be like heroes of legends!", answered shu excitedly. "Why the hell would i ever wanna team up with you?", asked the man in leather. "Because you don't have a choice,'' answered Yang.

I quickly whispered into her ear, "Wait! Are we actually doing this?! Or did you just say it because you thought it sounded cool?". Her blush confirmed my suspicions. "Well let's get along I guess?", I said.

"Are you finished fighting?", asked Funny. Wait FUNNY?! "Where were you?! You bastard?!" I asked. I was tired and irritated from all of this. I just want to go back home and get annoyed by Yang there.

"I was hiding and waiting until you finished fighting.", he answered honestly. "Then do you happen to know what happened to this fruit?", Yang asked, trying to act cool again. "Did something happen to it?", he responded.

"Yeah it's completely useless!", yelled the leather guy. "Well if I did do something to it, wouldn't you all have seen me by now?", he retorted logically. I was going to question him more before he interrupted me.

"I actually might have found a secret cave with treasure when I was hiding.", he said. "I could show you the way if you want to get it, since I'm not strong enough myself to fight the demons in it.". I checked his qi, and he was right. He was only just absorbing his qi into his body. It seems like he only just started cultivating months ago.

"Yes! Let's go find the treasure and split it among us. It could be like a wonderful adventure story!", yelled Shu. "Well I got nothing better to do.", said the male cultivator. The leather guy just nodding, aggressively?

"Well hurry up and lead us the way!", demanded Yang. Like an obedient dog he followed the orders. Ironic coming from me though.

We followed him into a small cave. Once we actually entered, there seemed to be stairs that lead down the cave. We followed the steps into a large room filled with five 2 grade demons.

"We have to think of a plan in order to get past them.", stated the male cultivator. "No duh, genius", said the leather guy, rolling his eyes. We all just ignored him.

"Why don't we just run for it?", asked Shu. "Those creatures would catch up to us.", responded Funny.

"Wait a minute. There's a tunnel in the wall?", pointed out the male cultivator. "That has to be a trap.", said the leather guy. "I'll test if it's a trap.", volunteered Funny.

"Really?", asked Yang in shock.

"I hate to admit it, but I acted like a coward back then. Let me at least repay you with this." he answered. None of us stopped him.

As he went into the hole we all waited tensely for his death. It never came. He completely disappeared.

"What happened to him?", asked the male cultivator incredulously.

"Let's find out!", responded Shu, before she jumped into the tunnel!

"I'm following them too!", Yang declared. Before I could even process what's happening, she jumped too! Sometimes I think the fate I have is becoming crazier and crazier every day. I wordlessly followed too, as I saw the male cultivator jump in too.

When we arrived there was a huge dragon! It seemed to be protecting a sword on an altar. Well it wasn't really protecting it right now. It was currently chasing Yang, Shu, and Funny.

"HELP US!!!!!!!", screamed Yand in pure panic and disregard for her previous demeanor.

I circulated the qi in my body and dashed at the dragon. I could tell it was just playing with them. It hadn't even used its qi yet. I managed to stun it enough to let the rest of our group take cover.

"Keep hitting it! We can't give it enough time to circulate its qi!", yelled. Everyone must've gotten their spirit back as we all started attacking the dragon. I kept attacking its head, Shu kept binding it's wings with her... whip, the male cultivator was hitting its legs, and the leather guy was defending us from the dragon's tail.

"I'm charging up my attack, stall it!", yelled Yang. We could actually win this! Is what I thought a few seconds ago, but to my absolute terror all my fears came true.

Funny that bastard! He punched her unconcious! That should be impossible with his cultivation, but it wasn't him who punched her. It was a strange creature behind him. It had the ears of a rabbit, had a human shaped body, and was mostly blue and purple.

"You bastard! Why are you doing this! Do you want us to die!?!?", I yelled at him. To my shock he put his body against her while his back was to a wall. Then he disappeared?!

"Dojyaaan.", sang Funny. He appeared at the altar! Like a domino effect of misfortune, I heard a scream. It was Shu. My eyes widened as I saw her crying over the male cultivator's body! I also saw the leather guy skewered across the floor!

All the worse scenarios were becoming reality! I needed to protect Yang. I had to protect her! I ran and picked her body on my back. This was cowardly, a disgrace to my family leaving Shu to die like this, but if I wanted Yang to live I needed to escape now!

I heard the dragon scream the most painful roar of my life. It sounded like it was being ripped apart, but I couldn't care less. I knew I was going to die, so I had to at least fulfill my fate and save Yang!

I ran and ran until i ran out of qi and breath. The cave was a maze of confusion. I hid behind some rocks. As I was sitting down, I slightly let go of Yang off of my back when I felt it. Something had gotten in between me and Yang. I couldn't tell what it was at first until i felt its heat.

It was the heat of a person! I quickly turned around to see Funny right behind me! I knew I couldn't beat him. I had no qi left to go against him. All I could do is beg.

"Please spare Yang!", I pleaded with my head down to the floor. "She never saw your powers! And I can give you my family treasure!", I continued to beg. I definitely didn't want to do this, but I knew I had to.

My late father gave me a gift. It was a token. He said it granted any wish you had if you gave it enough qi. I only tested it once, but it never worked. I assumed you needed a lot of qi for it to grant even simple wishes.

As I showed him the token and explained it's power, he looked at me with thoughtfulness. I hated him for what he's done, but I knew he had some good in him. He had to! He grabbed the token forcefully, and finally spoke.

"I will grant you your wish, but if this is a fake I will kill her. Of course that wouldn't really matter to you, since you would already be dead.", spoke with authority.

I saw the creature behind him raise it's arm. Yang, please live on.