2 years later

Well,i'm currently 14,and it won't be long before I turn fifteen and head to the academy, speaking of the academy,mystic,arwin,and leocraft went there a year ago,due to this world running on systems and all,the academy can't even be considered an actual school,it's more of a place for making friends,connections,being introduced to the real world and such

For some reason the four of them(male leads and lilian) didn't get along well with enrick at the beginning and kept asking me why I brought him home,but later when they learned that he's gay,they suddenly seemed to become best friends,I really don't know how kids can become friends so easily,and enemies just as quickly

???:"hurry up rosie,lilian is here"

Lirios:"alright enrick,today we're going to go see author,are you coming?"

Enrick:"WHAT?,why didn't you tell me this earlier,of course i'm coming"

He totally has a crush on author doesn't he,but they really do make a very cute couple,arthur is this friend of ours we made a year back when we visited the orphanage for the second time and met him there,it was so funny when I remember how we met



Lirios:"come on guys,let's go"

Arwin:"why's he here" while pointing to enrick

Enrick:"because she's now my sister,of course I'm here"

Lilian:"she's not your sister,you're technically working at their mansion,it's not like you got adopted or anything"

Mystic:"seriously,why did you bring him along"

Lirios:"I want you guys to get along with each other,I've never had a brother before,so he's my brother,after all when I asked if you guys would be my brother you refused"

Leocraft:"that's because we don't want to be your brothers (mumbling)we want to be more"

Lirios:"what was that last part?"


Lirios:"anyway,stop fighting,and let's go already"

Lilian:"I think we're not the only noble kids who like visiting the orphanage"

Arwin:"why do you say that"

Mystic:"look over there"

They all looked over,and in front of them was a carriage belonging to the levenard family,their family head was a marquis,and they sort of worked under leocraft's family

Leocraft:"oh~,no wonder that kid author disappears sometimes even though he doesn't have many friends"

Lirios:"leo,don't be rude"

Enrick:"can we go now"

When they were leaving the orphanage,something,or someone bumped into enrick

???:"o-oh,m-my bad,I wasn't looking at where I was headed"

Enrick:"it's alright,you can raise your head now"

When author raised his head,both enrick and author froze for a few seconds before they both blushed and turned away

Arthur:"m-my bad"

Enrick:"no problem,are you alright though?"

Arthur:"i-i'm fine"

Enrick:"that's good then"

Besides lirios who wasn't so surprised,the other four were shocked,and then seemed to come to a realization

Arwin:"he's gay?"

Lirios:"yes,didn't you know"

Mystic:"you never told us"

Lirios:"I did,but I guess you weren't listening"

Leocraft:"wait,since when have you known?"

Lirios:"since the very beginning"

Lilian:"so you didn't like him?"

Lirios:"of course i like him,he's my brother"

Lilian:"that's not what i ...nevermind"

ever since then,they become good friends with each other,and both the enkeli and levenard families knew of the little crush between enrick and arthur,but they let the children to their own devices

Arthur has auburn hair with golden red tips,his eyes are the color of purple,while his pupils are a mysterious frosted hazy like pink,although he was thirteen at that time,his stature was shorter compared to kids his age,he was about 5'1,while enrick was fourteen at that time and was 5'7,they arthur was in enrick's arms earlier,he looked smaller than he already was

-----------------------------------(flashback ends)

Lirios:"I still don't understand why you refused to go to the academy"

Enrick:"it's too boring,I can already complete all the courses if I wanted to"

Lirios:"I know,but arthur will be going there in about a week,what are you going to do then,and going to the academy is for the fun and field trips,not for the lessons"

Enrick:"if he's going,then I can go at that time too,besides,arthur is smart enough to skip a grade so that we'll be in the same grade at that time"

Lirios:"that's a good Idea,I'm also thinking of skipping two grades when I get there along with lilian,that way we can all be in the same grade"

Enrick:"that's possible,besides it's not like there's a separation in classrooms for grades,the only different a grade makes,is what places you're allowed access to at the academy"

Lirios:"that's true I suppose,now let's go"

They went with lilian,got to arthurs house,and had a fun time playing with each other

{On their way back home}

Lilian:"so,what do you plan to do when we get to the academy?"

Lirios:"nothing much,I don't know if i want to skip two grades with you,so we can all be in the same classes,or just stay in the first grade"

Lilian:"knowing those guys,If you don't skip,they'd probably stay with you,after all,you can stay at the academy however long you desire,the only thing that changes is the amount of items,and information you have access to"

Lirios:"well since we'll be going at the same time,what about you"

Lilian:"I want to experience what the first years are like,then maybe we can skip second and third grades and go ahead to fourth"

Lirios:"that's a good plan,let's do that then"


A year is enough time for me to get to know the heroine,and see if i'll become her friend,or simply stay out of her way,besides the only reason the game went a four year course was because of the grade the heroine was in,there was a part in the manual that said that if the heroine wanted,she was smart enough to skip two grades,If I befriend her,we can all skip two grades,graduate together,and take care of our future jobs together,we'll be like those best friends in movies that even live close to each other after marriage....speaking of marriage,i don't think it's required,besides,it's not like any one wants to marry me anyways,but the academy would sure be fun

Lilian was having a great time looking at the dazed lirios,lirios was leaning against the window in the carriage,which led to her being right under the sun,her golden skin was glistening,and facial features which have grown more exquisite became even more prominent under the sun,especially those red lips of hers' which kept opening and closing as she breathed,If lilian were to know of lirios's thoughts right now she'd probably get at how dense lirios is,because not only does she have one person willing to marry her,she has four,whether it was a good or bad thing that lilian didn't know lirios's thoughts...well only the author knows.