On the table in front of them was a note. Behind the tale was the colored glass lirios was talking about. There were many glass windows in the room of course,but the colored glass was right in the middle of it all,and like it's name implied,was the only colored glass in the room. The glass itself was a more purplish glass than it was blue, added to that,there were many inscriptions of art on it with different colors. It was quite a pretty glass on it's own,but along with the other clean clear crystal blue glasses,and the storage room that was blue and gold themed,it seemed a bit out of place.
Before they touched the note,a voice rung in the speakers,shocking them to a halt
Lirios's thoughts:"sometimes I get really confused,this game was set in european medieval ages, and yet the 'tools' created are advanced making everything easier. I almost still feel like I'm in my original world due to the way 'tools' make life easy. The only thing different is the whole system and level up,but the comfort in this world is also a bit higher than the comfort in the original world
Principal:"good morning students,as most of you probably should have realised by now, especially the ones who're already attending this school, the room sin;t the original hall, instead there's an illusion stone at work. Students are required to find the stone, by doing so and getting transported to the real hall,students get a chance to be part of the student body,not only that,they also receive credits, the sooner you get to the room i'm in,the more credits received. If a student can break the illusion stone,they can become the student body president for their year,along with getting twice the amount of credits as the first person in the real room would receive. You guys could work together or work alone, you have two hours before all of you will be transported to the real hall. I wish you good luck"
After the announcement,there was silence all around for a few seconds before the students started bustling about forming groups and looking for clues, meanwhile our group here went ahead to read the note.
Arcane:"Do not look at the world through a colored glass, what you seek,is sometimes right under your nose. The twists and turns in life are all predestined, the wheels of fate change with every decision you make. But always remember, do not look at the world through a colored glass, there's more sides to a story than what is first seen"
Leocraft:"colored glass was mentioned again,maybe it has something to do with the glass in front of us"
Lilian:"do not look at the world through a colored glass...are we supposed to look through the colored glass and see how different the world looks in it when compared to the other glasses in the room?"
Lirios:"under your nose...twists and turns...wheels of fate...wait guys,look at the glass"
Arwin:"...what exactly are we supposed to be looking for?"
Mystic:"the patterns, they twist and turn in a weird way,but from an overall point of view, they form a wheels,well six wheels to be exact"
Lirios:"and all the six wheels meet at one point"
Leocraft:"The middle"
Arcane:"now that we look at it more clearly,it looks like somethings missing from the middle"
Lilian:"like a piece of the glass had been taken of"
Arwin:"what now,are we supposed to look for a missing shard, or clues to find a missing shard"
Mystic:"At the end,either the shard is the illusion stone,or the illusion stone is the glass itself but needs the shard to allow us out of here"
Leocraft:"well let's see if we can find anymore clues in this room,if not,we can check the other rooms"
Lirios:"this is the biggest colored glass in the hall,but the lounge room also has two colored glasses, 'the rose' and 'the python',maybe we can check there as well"
Lilian:"whatever being made you feel like reading that long book,should be thanked for doing so,alright,let's go check the make-up room"
They headed out of the storage room,of course,some students noticed this
Student 1:"was there a clue in there?"
Student 2:"idiot,even if there was one,why should they tell you,everyone's working hard for the credits,and no one would give free clues"
Student 3:"we can check on our own anyways"
Quite a handful of students rushed into the storage room,while the slightly more smart ones were thinking either one of two thoughts
"The answer is probably not there,because if it was,they wouldn't have come out anyways, they would have been directly transported to the real hall"
"Maybe they were sent by the principal to confuse us, maybe the stone is actually in the storage room but they walked out of it to make it seem as though there's nothing in there"
The group ignored the mumblings and headed to the room close to them, and closest to the stage,which was the lounge room. Besides the luxurious decorations and the soft looking couches,the other things that attracted the most attention in the room where the two colored glasses side by side which each other,in close contact almost as if they were one.
The window on the right side was a golden colored window with a red rose in the middle of it covering almost half of the window. It wasn't right to call it red, the rose was composed in different shades of red,and some shades of pink, underneath the rose was its lushous green stem,along the stem was leaves of multiple colors making a gorgeous tapestry looking art.
The window on the left side was a ruby red colored window with a python embedded in it. Although scary looking,one had to admit the python was a very beautiful looking one,especially the gem green eyes it possessed.
Lirios:"gem green eyes?,wait,the gem"
Saying so,she went up towards the realistic looking snake of the glass window and touched the eyes,and as she expected, the 'eyes' on the snake fell of and combined mid air before landing on her palm. Now in her palm was a thumb sized emerald looking jade,a shade of king's green.
Lilian:"the rose too"
In the middle of the rose which looked freshly watered,at least in the image on the window, there was a drop of water hanging on the rose,and rather than water,it looked more like a drop of blood due to how red it was. The 'gem' was also thumb sized and looked like a ruby jade.
Arcane:"I feel like we're still missing something..."
Mystic:"true,these two gems could fill in the holes in the middle of the glass... but if I remember correctly,there are,in a way, three holes"
Arwin:"yep,one between the left three wheels,and another between the right three wheels"
Leocraft:"along with the one right in the middle of the colored glass,we really do need one more gem"
Lirios:"gem..gem...wait!,I remember seeing a sparkling piece on the center stage earlier,on top of the podium"
Others:"let's go check there then"
Right in the middle of the podium desk layed a purple shard,after they got all shards, they headed back to the storage room which had been cleared of students who couldn't understand the clue,or were looking elsewhere for what the clue could have meant. They inserted each shard where it should be,causing the wheels on the colored glass to start turning and open the door to the real hall,at this time,the sun shined right in the middle of the colored glass,and something in the corner caught lirios's eyes.
Right in the middle of the table they'd already searched was something shining underneath the paper they'd already read and lifted up to discover no clues underneath. Lirios went up and grabbed the paper,under it was a shining blue stone filled with a weird luster.
Lirios:"the illusion stone"
Arwin:"If the sun didn't shine on it,we would have walked right past it, would you do us the honor rosie and crush that stone"
Lirios:"with pleasure"
Saying so,she crumbled the stone in her hands,once she did so,the illusion was broken and all the students were transported to the real hall, in a way,they were always in the real hall all along,just in the leftmost door which contained a mini garden that people on stage were allowed to leave from in order to avoid the crowd.
Principal:"well this is a first, in just 20 minutes you guys managed to find and break the stone, you even found the three shards that open up the door to the real hall,yet you still choose to crush the stone, you must be lirios,arwin,lilian,mystic,and leocraft, and the lady with you should be ms.arcane"
Lilian:"you know us"
Principal:"(clears throat) your lovely mothers came by to warn(cough) i mean to ask me to take extra care of you guys"
Arwin:"oh I see"
While saying so,him,mystic,leocraft,and lilian sent him pitying stares,while lirios sent him a beaming smile thinking her mother really did only come to have a 'nice chat' with the principal
Lirios:"wait,if that's the case,then how do you know arcane?"
Principal:"she's the most outstanding commoner of the year in both levels,and theoretical knowledge,well as the winners, you each get 1,000 credits,all that's left know is for you to decide which two among yourselves would be the presidents of grade 1 and grade 3,and then the four of you remaining can be the vice presidents"
They looked at each other for a few seconds,and came to a decision
Arwin:"I'll be the president for year three,the these two will be the vice presidents"
Of course the 'two' he was talking about were naturally mystic and leocraft
Lirios:"I'll be the president for year 1,while lilian and arcane will be the vice presidents"
Principal:"it's settled then"