The Palace Devoid of Light

The voice came from deep inside the place and since the aura died down, they proceeded inside the building guarding each other except for the burly man who was following behind them.

As soon as they stepped inside, they can't see a single thing, even light from where they came from can't be seen even though they just stepped inside.

"Can anyone hear me? Gather close to me!" Luis exclaimed and he felt a lot of body stick to him as he tried to summon a light orb but to no avail, no light was made.

"I can't use my Light Energy guys!" Luis informed them.

"Wait, let me try!" Alyssa summoned a fireball from her hand.

"Ouch! It's hot! Stop it!" Archie exclaimed when he felt the burning sensation from his arms.

"There's the heat, but there's no fire? This place somewhat nullifies any source of light!" Luis thought deeply as he tried to make out what caused this circumstance.