Trial of the Macromages

As soon as the morning sun rises. The Archive Realm was closed to all except for the main team for the reason that there's a looming danger inside.

The primary team entered as they looked at the people-barren place where a fountain covered in hundreds of protection arrays can be seen from the distance and a castle stood erect much further from the entrance.

"It's too quiet! Like what it was before!" Archie looked around the place.

"Time to finish what we started!" Achilleas grinned as he looked towards the distant castle where their clue on how to find Luis can be found.

They immediately ran across the realm towards the castle where the same outline greeted them.

The throne room still looks the same only with the pedestal lacking the item it was supposed to hold which was taken by Luis before.

They walked their way towards the place where the mural was placed as they all walked through the hall and examined the mural.